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■ <br /> �108 � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �'1u�ust 12, 1946 [rj <br /> C <br /> .� regular r,ieetin� of the IIoard o� Public �Safet� v•as ne13 on Au�ust <br /> 12, 1946 at 10:00 A.?.I. 111 ne:ibers �:�ere present. '..;inutes o^ the last <br /> r.iee�in� rrere read and a�proved. 5alar�,� clai�s in the w:�ount of �;r29,630.23 <br /> ��rere approved and ordered paid. Clair.l� oi' the follorring suppliers in <br /> t�e a^iount of ;>1,364.46 rrere approved and . or3ered paid: <br /> Sa� Be�rian ,;?130,79 Sheehan Tire Service ;:� 76,00 <br /> Sa� Eex�::an 60.68 �hee'_lan iire Service 40.00 <br /> Buainess Sfster:s 5.25 -Sheehan iire Service 71.95 <br /> Bu�iness S;�stems �8.20 �neehan Ti�e Service 56,00 <br /> Businesa S�stems 3, 53 Sheehan Tire Service 112,0 <br /> C�tbell Printin� Co. 79.75 Siieehan iire Service 44,20 <br /> Cit� '."later ;';orl.s £i,87 South Uend Lwriber Co. 5.96 <br /> City ;Iater -:;ori;s . 241,?3 South ?end Lwnber Co. 1,20 <br /> Co:�-�ercial Sound w I��dio ,48 South p,end Sunpl;� Co. 2.35 <br /> Davies Lavndr�f P;, Cleaning 9,II6 South Bend Sup�ly Co. 1.45 <br /> H�rley ilavidson Sales . 14.06 South �en3 Supply Co. � . 68 <br /> Ind. E: FSicn. �lec. Co. 19.£34 South Bend Supply Co. 2.�6 <br /> Tne i•icCaffe.:,� Co. 21.£3G South Bend Sup��1T Co. "I,I9 <br /> The �.icCaTfery Co. 10. ^_-4 Supre-ie Spon�;e Co. 85.60 <br /> ^1he ;�cCaffer•,� Co. 9.65 J. �. ;lalz Gara�e 73.00 <br /> G. � �:eyer £� Son 5.07 J. .�. ':la1z Garage �9,00 <br /> T?or, �Ind, Pub. Ser. Co. 32, 56 <br /> �'IR� D�P:°iii�i;T: Chief JeVleeschorrer cras pre�,nt ar.d riattcrs pertaining <br /> to ni� aepa: r.zent erere discus�ed, <br /> C1iPton Copeland and ;fillia^i R. Da� having passed the physical e:Z;z- <br /> inations given Uy the City iloctor and the iloctor selected U;� the �oard of <br /> nire�:nen+ s Pension ^und Trustees are norr r.za3e reUular :ie:�bers oP the Soutn <br /> Bend i ire llepartrient for a probationar;� period of six r.ZOnths durin� rrhich <br /> time they shall be paid the re�ular salar� as aaid to i'irenen on a proba- <br /> tionary basis, <br /> C1e�ent Grontkoc:s:ci ,�as apnointed to the ?ire Depar�ent subject ' <br /> to his abilit�J to pass physical esa-linations Given b; the Cit� Doctor <br /> and i,ne Doctor appointed b;� the 3oard of iire:aen' s Pen�ion Pund Trustees, <br /> POLICL D�PII2TI.i.;iTT: CiiieP �verett cras present and :iatters t ertaining to <br /> is uepar :yent �;ere discussed, <br /> ihe Polisn lrmy �Teterans I�ssociation of tL-7erican t°�ere �iven permi�sion <br /> to sell florters ori the cit;* streets on �1u�ust 17-, 1946, <br /> 9pplications for Special r^olice Crn.�i�sions ;aere apnroved and ordered <br /> held Por bond for J�saes �, Caa'rs:�an ancz Jo`.n ',7illia.� �ernon. <br /> The Polic� Pistol ?eat-i, Lieutenant �eals, Lieutenant :3azinski� Office: <br /> ZaremU'.a and Oificer Rny:7er, rrere autnorized to attend a shooting r.iatch <br /> at Canp Peri� Ohio _1uEu�t 30th to Septe^!Ucr 8tli, ' <br /> �,LLC?RIC�+L ��PA�iiI3Iii: �"_r, '3illian n,uall�, Superintendent, �aas present <br /> an na er� pertainin; to nia depart::�ent ere:e discussed, <br /> �;�;IGHiS G, I.?:;_1SU'?3S : Charles �urns� Clty 5ealer� iilel his report <br /> lor ae rree : en n� �,u�ust 10� I946, <br /> ihere being no further business to before the �oard, t:�e <br /> s:ieetin� -aas adjourned at 11;45 :�.:i. <br /> :�Tln"1 : ' <br /> � Cnalr:ian <br /> — C er . <br />