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3.07 ' <br /> August 5, 1°46 <br /> A re�ular r.ieetin� of tne Board of Public Safety rras held on I,Ionday, <br /> �1u�ust 5, 19�G st 10:00 R.',.:. All r,ieribers rrere present. :.iinuies of the <br /> last meeting were approved and clains of the follor�ing suppliers in the <br /> .slount of 5T4�584.40 r�ere approved and orclered p�id: <br /> :ltlas nurniture Co. :; 24.75 Inliana Bell ielephone ;;S 16.29 <br /> Sas:i 3er.aan ��167.�0 Ind, Z. I.?ich. �1ec. Co, w6,20 <br /> P�ody�uard i.I£g. Co. 8.°9 Jane�ville Ai,parel Co. 17.28 <br /> Business � 49.62 F.ay I_yle 1.04 <br /> Business S;�stems 5,75 A. G. T.:Ieier � Co. 3.50 <br /> Cleis �: Brennan 9,00 1�. G. i.ieier Z; Co, 70.25 <br /> Charles DeVleeschorrer 3II.10 ihe Onio Oil Co. 72.75 <br /> iiarry T. ;verett 11,60 ihe Ohio Oil Co. 656.88 <br /> '_�ederal Lai�oratorie� 56,63 Radio llistributin� Co. 5.30 <br /> Paul L. :lary 2, 50 i3. H. .Slo:.iinski, i:I.D. 4.00 <br /> General Sheet Tietal Co. 12,00 Sollitt Const, Co, 2,824.00 <br /> Gerber I.ifg. Co. 116,70 J. i, '.lalz GaraLe 17.00 <br /> Gerber I;Ifg. Co. 239,50 '.;eisber�er 3ros. 128.01 <br /> ':;il]s�an L. ':lelch. 1. 90 <br /> �IR� DLPi'L�`�.�,?i: CiiieP JeVleeschoz�er ��ras present and matter� pertainin� to <br /> ais eparcien„ rrere discussed. . <br /> �:e �oard considered the evi3ence sub:iitted in tne case of Bert �:ro�, <br /> Fire�aan, under cnar�es r.lade on Ju1,7 29, 1946. ;ir. Ctu:inin�s did not parti- <br /> cipate in tne con�ideration o� tiie �atter :,ecause oS nis aboence fro:.i the <br /> hearin�. <br /> 9fter considerin6 the evi3er.ce the �o�rd decided tnat ;;crt ::ro� be iined <br /> tc�o �onths pa�, i'iat he be o:dered to re;�o-rt ior duty i�,iedia;-,el;� �nd <br /> that there be deducted fro::i �ne fine sucn i,af a� •.-ra� lost by iii;:1 iro:n Jul� <br /> 17th to dateand t.iat the balance oi the iine be deducted fro:i hi:, paJ at <br /> the rate o£ :":25.00 �er pa� day i:ntil paid, as a i art of tiie penalty �nd <br /> in aduition to tlie �ore�;oin�, tne 3oard -,ritiZdrerr vacation nerraission and <br /> ri�nts, based upon tne iinlin� U� the :oard, unon the evidence, tnat ssid <br /> Sert i::roz �ras �;uilt;;r oi u�in� vile and abusive 1^ngua�e torrard the ChieP <br /> of tae �ire Jepart:�ent in tae pieseace o� th�_rd parties and �uiltJ oP <br /> �;ross insuboraination. <br /> PGLIC� il�P3R'_?T��i : C�.iei' �verett �ras pre�ent and ;-�atters pertainin� to �is <br /> epa:i-lent •rrere iscussed. <br /> i1n apnlication for t�e Police De:�art�ent rtas approved and ordered filed <br /> ior �u�ene �o:aan I>o.�alsl:i� and Vercial Joaeph Sear:��, Jr. <br /> Upon the request oi ti�e Chief of 'ol_ce �_�e �oard ter�inated the <br /> appo�nt�ent of Jx:1es t, O;�en as a 3pecial Police Oificer i:i and for the Cit� <br /> of South Pend, Indiana. The Cnief ��as directed to notiPy i:r. 0�,;en of the <br /> ternination of his appoin�:ent and to obtain the surrender of his cony of <br /> his co..r.7i�sion and to :e-!ove fro,:� ai.z anT otner evidence of :iis bein� a <br /> police officer. <br /> Lhe Chief infox-�ed tne �oard tnat Officer �on Bet� nad been injured <br /> rrhile on duty and is no�,-r on sicL leave. <br /> After full discussion of the case of �Pficer Carl Shaffer, the 3oard <br /> decided that Officer Shaiier is to go on per^�aner.t disaoilit;� pension after <br /> his sicL- lenve unless ile is aole to �o bacL on active dut�, <br /> ELJCT;IC1L D�PA'T:.?:�1T: i:r. ','1i11ia-1 Qualls, Superintendent, rras present and <br /> r.i�tters pertainin� to is depart�ent �,rere discuaaed. <br /> ';yIG3"'S £. :_,.1Sir'.�S: Ciiarle� �urns, Cit3 Sealer, filed hi� report Sor <br /> .ie rrce:_ enain� ;';u�usty3, 1°46. <br /> ihere bein�; no �urtiier business �o co:ze beiore tne �oard, �he :.ieeting <br /> :ras adjouined at 12 :00 Iioon. <br /> Eli1��T• <br /> � C iair:ian <br /> v �.' ' <br />