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���i N � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> !in application for the Police �epartr.lent �,:as approved and orclered �'1 <br /> S'ilcd for Vernon Darnold, Jr. C <br /> ihe Chief presented his report for the month of June, 1946. <br /> Tne Cler:: of the Board �-ras directed to advertise for bids Sor a <br /> neti� police a,�abulance according to plans and specifications subnitted <br /> by the Cit� �gineer and approved by the Board. <br /> . Tliis bein� the date set tor receiving bids for the purchase of <br /> four nerr polico cars� and only one bid having been recieved it ,�as <br /> opened ancl read as£ollor�s: ' <br /> Sclzer:nan-Schaus-�ree::an Co. 4 1947 6tudebaLer Cha,�apion �elw:e Coach <br /> South Bend, Indiana in blacl. C 5r1000.1£3 each �;4000.�2 <br /> �cco:npanied by a certiiied checl: in the araount oP ,;r400.17 <br /> ihis Ueing the only bid received the Board ciecided to accept said bid <br /> and the ➢lerl: of the Board rras di 'rected to noti£y the bidder. <br /> This being the datre set for receiving bids on tn.e sale of £our <br /> used police cars, tne follos�rin� bids �rere opened and read; <br /> Super Iluto Stt].va�e Car ;',`46 �r725.00 <br /> South Ben1, Incliana Car ;r47 737,50 <br /> B�: Rubin Sil�aer�ari Car ;,'-50 700/00 <br /> Car �66 745.00 <br /> C. £� Z Auto Sa1es Cars ;r46, 47, 50 and 66 a flat bid of <br /> South ;3end, Indiana ;;�645. 00 each. <br /> B�: Robert Zusrian <br /> ihe Board accepted � bid of the Super ;auto Salvage Coxn�any as it rras <br /> the hi�hest bid. <br /> LL�CT??ICAL D�P1lRTI:�T,PTT: I.Ir. ;'�lillian Qualls, Superintendent, rras present , <br /> an �a crv per aining to his depart:�ent �;rere discussed, <br /> ':TEIGfiTS cc i:T�:1SU:�S: ?.Ir. Charles �urns, City Sealer, filed his report <br /> or �� e �,ree.c en in� July 27, 1946, <br /> Ti�ere bein� no further businesw to co::1e before the �oard, the <br /> *:�ceting �.-tas adjourned st 12:0!? I:onn. <br /> n��y3: �1 � <br /> � . � C ai rrlan <br /> C_er . <br /> SP�CIP-.L I.�S^lIiIG Au�',ust 2, 1946 <br /> A special neeting of the Board of Public SaSet;� rJas held on �'riday� <br /> �ugust 2, 1946 at 5:00 P,T,.?. ?:ir. Ct�'rr:�in�s ;•ras absent. T11e :neeting rtas <br /> called Por the purpose of hearin� charges a�ainst Bert i:iroz� Cit� Pire- <br /> :=,�ridence l�as heard in the presence of Leo ':�liite� Court Reporter� <br /> and at the conclusion of the evidence, the Soard tool_ the natter under <br /> advisenent. . <br /> ihere being no further busine�s to b ef'ore t�ie IIonrd, the ' <br /> r.ieetin� rras adjourned at 3:45 P.I.I. <br /> AT�S 1 <br /> � nairnan <br /> C <br />