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10� <br /> pu.rpose o£ hearing evi3ence uton tne iollol�ring charges ri,zich have been r?ade . <br /> a;ainst you as a result of ;;our auspension Ju1;� 17, 19^-6 as an activo r�eraber <br /> of the ?ire De�a.rt:�ent of the CitJ o£ 3outh.pend, to-rrit : 1'he violation of <br /> Rule I1o. 10 and the violation oi Rule i1o. 39 of tho Rules governin� Oi'ficers <br /> and ne�b�rs of t_ie Soutli Bend i ire �epart�:�ent, in that ,ou did on luesda;�, <br /> July 16, 1�46 use vile and abusive langua�e at the Central �'ire Station� and <br /> direct vile and abusivo lan�uage toti°+ard and a�ainst the Chief of tho Fire <br /> Departnent of the Citp of South Bend, and that you did on t he sa..�e date use <br /> vile lan�uage in Station IJo. 5 to�:rard and against �he Chief of the P�ire De- <br /> part::�ent, and further in that you crere on said evening oS July 16 �•rnile in <br /> the Central Station and at Station ITo. 5� under the influence of liquor. <br /> You rlay be nresent at t:iis hearing in person and ;�ou r:ia� have, if you :rish, <br /> ' representation bJ any Attorney or Attorneys of your choise. <br /> If ;jou desire a hearing on the foregoin� char�es be certain to notify the <br /> Board oi ;�our desire prior to �Au�ust 2� 1946, <br /> 'Tery truly yours, <br /> , B011?L7 Oi PUi�i�IC :;ORIiS 11ITD S1b-':iY <br /> B�: Janes P, Conbo;�� Clerk <br /> 1�n anplication for the Police Depar�ent ;�as approved and ordered <br /> filed for Harold Ederin Couillard. <br /> P�LICE DiPARi.T�TT: Chief i.verett i��as present and :aatters pertaining to <br /> Fi' epart�aen rrere discussed. <br /> ihe Spanish Anerican l'loments �u°.i11arS rras authorized to sell carnations <br /> on the city streets on <Au�ust 1G, 19�r6. <br /> �L�CTRICAL DyPARi:1�I•1T: I;Ir. 'ilillia-.i 2ualls� Superintendent� ���a� preaent asid <br /> r.iac ers per aining o his depart^�ent :�rere discussad, <br /> ' :'7EIGH4S & ::�!�SURES: 1Sr. Cizarles 3urns, City Sealer, filed 'nis report for <br /> e ��ree - en n� �u � 20, 1946. <br /> ihere being no further business to co:�e before the ?�oard, the r!eetin� <br /> rras adjourned at 11:45 !1.Ti. <br /> nlTsl . � � � <br /> nair�an <br /> C er . <br /> Ju1� 29, 1940 <br /> A regular neeting of the Board of Public Safety �,ras izeld on I:onclu,�, <br /> July 29� 1946 at 11:15 A.I:. Ctr.�in�s '.ias absent, iIinutes o£ the last <br /> rzeeting �-rere read znd approved. Salar� clai�:s in the a.^iount of ;;;;29,801,0£3 <br /> ��rere approved and ordered paid, ihere �rere no of su�pliers to be <br /> approved. <br /> 1I�:L ll�PPS'�T.:�?TT: Chief DeVlee�cho�:rer rtas nresent and natters pertaining to <br /> us epar .�.en ;rere discussed. <br /> !�n application for the i ire Jepartneni; rr�s approved and ordered filed <br /> for ':lalter �1nes. - <br /> ir�o nen� i ranl: Leszczynsl:i and ;,d�:rard R. I:azv�irsL-i� rrere appointed to <br /> the :ire Depart::ent, subject to tneir abilitJ to pas� ph;��ical exarninations <br /> �iven b� the Cit;� Joctor and the Doctor appointed b� the �oard of rire::�en� s <br /> Pension Pund iruatees. <br /> PGLIC� D�?lL-c�il.T;l: Chief �rerett rras present and natters pertaininb to his <br /> uepar ment rrere iscussed. <br /> A bond for a special Police OfSicer t��a� approved and ordered filed <br /> for yrnest ;f. Stc�nUakgh. <br />