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��4 � <br /> July 22� 1°46 � <br /> � <br /> The .Board of Public Safety neld its regular neeting on ;.ionday, Jizly C <br /> 15, 1946 at 10:00 A,I.',. Illl rie.*nbers rrere present. ',.:inu�es of the last . <br /> neetin� r�ere read and approved, Clairss of the follouin� suppliers in tne <br /> a�ount of y�925.89 �rere approved and ordered paid; <br /> Body�uard ,:ifg. Co. ;2 15,64 P,aili°ra� �press Agency :;� 1.84 <br /> Hofflnan Brothers . 19.95 Scherman-Schaus-�reersan ,26 <br /> Indiana I3e11 ielephone . 116.30 Schilling' s Inc. 2.70 <br /> The Linde Air Products Co, ,60 :1. F. Sriith Co. 60.00 <br /> T.:idi�est Fire E: Safety Co. 682.84. South Bend Ltunber Ce. 13.37 <br /> r?or. Ind. Pub. Ser, Co. 1.00 South �3end I.;edical Lab, 1,50 <br /> Aadio .Distributing Co, 5.19 Plo;�d Zellers . 4.70 ' <br /> LEGAL DEP11F?T;:iE?uT: I:Ir. Lev� :�ras authorized b� the Board to settle the clair.i <br /> o Rose Broo , a�ainst the City of South Bend for the .a�ount o£ ;r1,Q00.OQ <br /> FIRE DEP�Rl IL�7T: Chief DeVleeschor�er t7as present and *;iatters pertainin� <br /> o ius epar aent r�ere discus�ed, <br /> Four r.ien e�ere appointed to the rire Depart:�ent subject to their ability <br /> to pass es�inations given b;� the City Doctor and the lloctor appointed by <br /> the Pirements Pension .�und iru�tees� as £ollotirs; Daniel R. Clu�.ningh�� <br /> Cliftan Copeland, Paul itelson and ;-lillian R. Day, <br /> T:�e follor�ing letter tiras presented b� tne ChieP: <br /> July 17, 1946 <br /> To the Board of Public ':?orks and Safety, <br /> Ger.tle::�en: <br /> I rrish to report that I have this day ^uspended i,?r. Bert PSroz� <br /> a rzer.iber of �gine Co. IIo. 5 of the South Bend rire Departr:ent ior the <br /> follotiving reasons: 1. Intoxicated 2, Por conduct unbeco:nin� an OYficer. <br /> 3. For insubordination, 4, Violation of depart:aent rules 2nd regulations� <br /> I received a call at ny home on Tuesday Evening July 16th that <br /> I;ir. I;Iroz ��ras at the Centr�l Station and that "he ��as abusive and raisin� <br /> hell. " Arriving at the Central Station, I.Ir. fSroz ��as parked on tho vmong <br /> sido of the street. I.?r, i;iroz said "this is the bitch I rras talk� about" <br /> r;hen I arrived. I said, "B�rt, you r�ill not have to report Sor duty to- <br /> morro:-�." °T:iat �*ou rtill be suspended, that I ;^ill file char�es to::�orrot^r." <br /> ihese state:�ents �r�ere made in the presence of: II. Rosei�icz, A, ITiespodziany, <br /> �. Vargyas and C. Deti'leescho:-rer, Jr. <br /> Going over to iio. 5 station to notiPy Captain Andert of *�hat <br /> happened, i:Ir. I:?roz arrived at this station and said, "Chiet, crhat are you <br /> tryin�, to pu11?" I said, "I rA uld like to talk to .you rrhen zou are sober,° <br /> He said, "Dann �ou, you are tr�,�ing to get r:ie a.�d I �rill call ny a�torne�." <br /> This �ans said in the preaence of; Capt. J. Andert, E. Pieters and C. Copeland. <br /> I told Capt, !lndert to call the Police car and have this nan tal.en <br /> to nis none. OfPicers Andresiak and Hunt arrived, tal�in� nir.� horzo. <br /> I a*:i trans°:itting this infor.^�ation to you for such act�on as �*ou <br /> �ay see fit to tal:e. <br /> Respect£ull;; subntitted, <br /> )s) �narles J. Jeplesschor�er, Chief ' <br /> The follorring letter rras drafted by the T3oard and sent to I.Ir. Bert <br /> T.:Iroz b� a police ofSicer: <br /> Jul� 22, 1946 <br /> I.Ir. F3ert p.iroz, � <br /> 509 I�orth Studebal;er Street, <br /> South Bend, Indiana <br /> Dear Sir: . <br /> Please ta.�,e notice that the Board of Public '.�orks and Saiety rrill <br /> conduct a £or�ial hearing on August 2, 1946 at tne o�iice oP the said Board <br /> in the Cit�* Hall, in the City of South Fsend, Indiana, at 2:00 ?.T_.S. for the <br />