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1U� � <br /> July 15, 1946 <br /> A ragular r.ieeting of the Board of Public Safety rras held on T:ionda3*, Ju.Zy <br /> 15, 1946 at 10;00 A.I:I. All raembers ��rere preaent. IIinutes of the last <br /> r.ieetin� rrere read andapproved. 6alary clai.^is in the a~lount of ;;r29,729.31 <br /> ti•rere approved and ordered paid. GlaL+as of the £ollo��ring suppliers in the <br /> sr.iount o£ :�730.�5 vere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Sarn Berr.ian 1? 86.49 Rogal Typei+�riter Co, :„ 1£3.50 <br /> g� Be�� 60.45 Schilling' s Inc. 4.47 <br /> Sasn Berr.:an 2II£3.70 . Lhe South Bend Supply Co. .50 <br /> Sa^.i Ber.^�an 62,87 The South Bend Supply Co. 8.74 <br /> ^Centurn Clutch & Bral.e Ser. 30.°0 The South Bend Supply Co. 1.50 <br /> '�ll,nart Brass I:ifg. Co. 23.49 The South Bend Suppl;; Co. 9.97 <br /> yll.hart ]3rass ?�'•fg. Co. II,10 The South Bend Supply Co. 9.9E3 <br /> I?ational rire Pro. Ser. 31.76 �7alz Garage 5n. 30 <br /> Ylor. Snd. •Pub. Ser. Co. 10.00 ':7estern Un3on Tel. Co. 6.33 <br /> Recreation Equipnent Co. 5.30 'c7estside Hardrrare Co. 3.60 <br /> The Reliance Phzrnacy 5.00 <br /> rIRE D;P.4FtTfIEI1T: Chief DeVleescho�•rer �-ras present and r.iat{;ers per�aining t0 <br /> is epar . en rrere discussed, <br /> �n application i�ras approved and ordered filed ior Isiah Jacl.son. <br /> ihe Chief informed the Board that ',.Ielvin IIicl:ey and Urban Patnaude had <br /> passed their si�: nonths probationary period, and he reco:;mended tiiat they <br /> be nade regular members of the Pire Department. The Board directed therefore, <br /> that these trro r�er.i-be appointed as regular meMbers of the Departr:ent upon <br /> the ChiefTS recm.^:::endation. <br /> POLICE DEPAFiTt.`.�ITT: Chief i,verett :'tas present and rlatters pertainin� to <br /> s epar .: en ��rere discussed, <br /> Ap,lications for the Police Depart�ent irere received £ror.i John Stanley <br /> Schy��ansl:i and ':Jil�er iugene Gri^ies and �°rere orderad Piled. <br /> Chief Lt�erett rras authorised to attend the .GovernorTS Sai'ety Council . <br /> 'in Indianapolis on July 17tn, <br /> EL�CT3ICi�L DEPILRti.TEIdT: �7i11ia-1 .Qunlls, Superintendent, ti•ras present and <br /> matters pertainin� o his depar�ent crere discu�sed. <br /> A pctition t�ra� received asking for a street light on Lalce Street at the <br /> intersection .of Ford Street. This rras referred to I:Ir. �ualls Por investiga- <br /> tion and report. <br /> A petition rras received askin� for a street light at the intersection of <br /> T�°r}cl.enha-s ilrive and :;onroe Street. This cras referred to I:r. Qualls for <br /> investigation and report. <br /> :'�TIGiiTS E: I.IS_SSURLS : Charles Burns� City Sealer, Siled his report for <br /> e �,�ee : en ing July 6, 1946. <br /> There bein� no further business to corae before the Board, the meeting <br /> ti:as adjourned at 12:00 Ploon. <br /> ATTESi. <br /> � � A1 TT13.T1 <br /> C E <br /> 1 <br />