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�.�2 ��. <br /> � <br /> , � <br /> eccasions t�:at �e i� �ot LOO �..�ell-;�leaseu. �."11_�1Z :.Z7.J jo�. C=� <br /> C_� <br /> =y�Zer disc�.ss�r�, �his M����er T,rith raptair =}uda�c �.nd r�ieutenant �urns, � called <br /> 0�:i icer �:ati?i' r.2an. into �(;he oi_'ice or_ -_�ricla�, Jul� 5, 19�?6, �.d in-_'or^l:�ed i�i�:� <br /> ���a-� ��e •�ras susl�enaed a�cr viola�(;ion of Rules i;o. � and I�o. 11 0�� t�ze Rules ^nu <br /> Re�,ul�tions oi t:�e South �en�1 Police �e�art~�en�,� and t�.�t �e t-roul� receive a <br /> le�ter �ror:i the �oard o�' iublic ���'or�is �ncl SaS'et�r a� a later clate instruc�in�; <br /> h.i?r �o ar-•:,ear be�ore -ci�e :;ea-:��u ior trial. <br /> • Yours �ruly, <br /> ' CJ} �IV.I�LZr f.:.l� !�JVVZ�� Ii� <br /> J <br /> C:�.ief of ��olice <br /> T11e Cler�� oi �he Poard rras clirected �Lo send a la�;ter �0 0r�'icer F���f- <br /> ?:�a.n .,it;n ��or^:ial r_otice oi" hearin� to be �ie1d Ju1� 15, 19^6 at 10:00 �1.i'. , <br /> subj�ct ho,:rever, �o Ci�'icer �_a•ai?:�an� s ri�;�zt to �°�aitTe suc:rn iZearin` nozice <br /> and as�� �'or an inforr�.al hearin� beiore t�zat date. <br /> uTpon the reca�niend�.tion of C�iei' �vere��, the 3eard �romo�ed "ae-rf-,eant <br /> �.obert Seals to �:n.e ran�� o� i,ieutenant and G�-i'icer :iarr�r �.�Ialternouse to z�ze <br /> i�11�i Oi :�C;i`e�I1�� @�'i @Cti1 Ve 1.T:TC�0C�1ate1.�. 1�1C 111�ri �;O i°1�0�� �O "t.L1� C��le1 101' <br /> assi�nent to d�:��;�. <br /> ;����CT�IC_1L �:���.�i�::�;i;�: I.:r. �.?illia.� ���ualls, Superin�Lenden�, ti,as p_resent and <br /> ��.��ters �erLa.ininr- to �zis depa-rtw�.er_t J,�ere :��iscussed. <br /> �;eco:�_L:Zenda�ions for 7treet 1.i�;iits to ��e installcd on '.'!oo�llarrn at tn.e <br /> dead end o� �a�liv 1@l'J Place, at ��Ze ��r_�ersec�ion of �iue;yr and Vassar S�Lreei;s <br /> and at ;i�e intersee�ior_ o_� I�r��eis and �io�rarc� Si,re�j.;s ;-re�e ��resenteci b�T <br /> i,ir. �t?^lls, an�! a;��roved by tize ;oard t•r'�o direc�ecl ?,Ir. �uall� �o order ��ze�:� <br /> � �, � <br /> ins �allea b-� ���.e �;lec�ric �or�:�an�. - <br /> '.i�_ir�iS Ai?� �:�-�.,11�s'�;5 : _:�r. CharlES i urns, Cit�T Se�.ler, i'il�d his report ior <br /> � e �ree�: �n ln� �u y G, l��-G. . - <br /> �iiere bein�; no further busi�ess to COT'i12 belOY'e the Foa�cl, �he i:�ee�in� <br /> ::as ad j ourned a� 11:45 ::.�.i. <br /> . � <br /> ��Pn�':S 1: - ^ vi7.L 11'i:1c3.11 <br /> �'" �/ (..�i <br /> / � C 1 er � <br /> �j <br /> Special T.:ee�in� �T111J �, 19�-G <br /> �? Special ?:ieezin� o��:' �ne Board o� rublic Sai ety t•ras held on ::ionda�, <br /> Jul;,•- 8, 19�6 at 2 ;00 P.i,:. ��_11 r.1e:.lbers t��e�� present �or the ;ieetin� rr�iicn <br /> z�la.S �1��.C�. 1I1 ��1� O�-� Ce O:L �ii8 C�11C� Oi i O1.iCe. 111G' i':1G�L7..ri� �T aS called 1:�'O1' <br /> tn.e purpase o� considerin� the i'acts in t�ze case oi 0-_r'�icer I�au�'_aan i��ho <br /> z.•raived -�'or�al �zotice of �earin�; reques�ed 2n ini o��al cons-iaeration oi <br /> tize reasons for h�s suspension. �ize 0_iicer stai,ed '_z-iu side of tlie case and <br /> ti-�as ctues�ion�d b;; t'ze����ers oy' t'ie Loard. ";f�c,;r a �'ull ciscus:,ion oi� tlie <br /> irLa�ter, tne o�'iicer rras�eci to re?:�or�L- for d;,�-�� ir:L�:�edia�el;;�, �o Ne assiL;r_- <br /> ec? b;� �he Ci�ief, �r.d subject to �he lose o�- sa��i�� �or �he aass :ne ���as sus- <br /> l�endea, Jul;; 5tlz, •6t'ti a�d '7t��, 1�46. <br /> There �ei�1�; no ��sther busine�s to come be�ore �iYe �oa-rd, ��he r:l�etir�� <br /> .-ras ad j ourneci at �:00 Y.i,i. <br /> ��`y���! : <br /> � Cazai�:�an - <br /> � <br /> c � , <br />