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��� <br /> :,�.�C`_�I<�.C:SL :����'��'�"':'��!�T: i::r. ';;illi��i Qualls� Sunerintendent, rras p�°esent <br /> � ar��.�ters pertainin� to ris de�ar�:�ent rrzre aiscus�ed. <br /> � ���tition presented to t��e Co::,��:1on Co�cil, 1•ras rei eri�ed �o �:�e �oard, <br /> asl>in�; i'o-r t4ze installation o�!`' street li`�nts on ��uron Street a�t tiie ,a31?�oad <br /> c'rossin��-s �'re-r� T�arris �o iiosciuszlro Street. 1��is �-ras reie,red to ::T-r. 2ualls <br /> ?°or inves�i;a�ion and re��ort. <br /> A petition �'or a stree� l�i�;lit a�; Oal��-rood u.r�d Parlivie�•r ;•�hich izad been <br /> rei'erred �o :_r. :`ualls, :ras ap��rovecl and �ualls zras authori�ed to request <br /> �he :�lec�ric �oi:��an� to install s��:1e. <br /> ��I�,�Gii�S .�u�� �,i?�:�SL'��5: .Lir. C�zarles Burns Ciz;� Sealer, filed. ��is se�:�i-;;early <br /> re�ort endin� June . �0, 194G. <br /> Tnere bein� no Sur�her business to cor:ie be��ore the Board, �ize �ee���nr; <br /> rras �c�jourr_ed at 11:15 A.I.:. <br /> �nrrr,��r,i, <br /> ���� <br /> OChai r:��z ._._� <br /> �_ _ <br /> �1e . <br /> Jul Jr 3, 1.n46 . <br /> !1 ?'n�:.11.�zI' _'.'_Ce{',1i1�; O1 Lilr'. -'O�`',.I'CG. Oi "1tiL�:i.0 :a�1�G'�"� :T�S (1G'Z.Ci OTI. !;:Or1'?��� <br /> ��alJ �, 1S�-u �t 11:1� =_.:.:. "�1J. =:ie:::ber:� ,::�e��c p=e��cn�. =.�inu�es oy t=�e la:�t <br /> �:lee�:,in� -:rei e re�.d �nd a�-�roved. Clai�.�:� oi ttne i'ollo�r:i.n�; sup,��lic:�s in �'�e <br /> ar��ot�nt oi ,,:;1,720. 55 �::e�.^e ��uroved G..nd oruerec3 l aid: <br /> �tl.."�1i1E.'aS ��S �',E.'iil:� :��i . `r� �� 1T1C11£�..Tl ?:OLOi C�%C�.^ iJ^ZGS �;� `�..� nJ <br /> Citj �:,�ai,er '.Tor'�� �1�. �'1 -�-.di�sz :._o�orrc,;rcle S�les 1�.30 <br /> Ci��r .iater .'orl>s l�. 95 . Ind. �. _,:ich. �,1ec. Co. ��. G� <br /> C���T �:i�ter :;or?�s �.&0 Ind. . i,iieh. �lec. Co. 25. 12 <br /> Cit;,r ':;�t;e�� �.7or,:s 1G.�4 i':cCa:�b Batter,; �o. 1.75 <br /> Cot�tinental Oil �o. 7�8.�'_-0 :�. G. :.�eier �� Co. 7.OQ <br /> :�a.vies La�n��r�r �„ Cl��r_in� �.8.5 ?e�erson �<<t��?�;; �o. .50 <br /> .i. _�. �'laz��roo�r �20. ;0 Jon.r_ ':l. �'or�e �'�.1� <br /> ile.� Gp��ical Co. �1.�?G Sc�iill�r.,�ts Inc. 1�.15: <br /> Indian ;.�o�orcycl� S;les 20.00 Schillin�,1 s �nc. '7..12 <br /> II1C�7..c11 ;:_OLOiC;�C1.E3 S21.G5 rT.OJ aA�.._'',',I'aVe �O�'_�O1"�_'�iQI1 :J`..�..�0 <br /> Indian i:otorc;�rcle Sai es 12. 65 ;�ear-_•a�e Cor:,o�a�ior JJ.O� <br /> 121=;-i.aT1 „_OtOi'C;;rCle �`�1Z.ES J. JJ �-1G'e'1�S `_'1.T'EA �CT'V1Ce �..75 <br /> India�� ;.?o�orc�cle S^lcs 5. �� -,'itali i,;- y�ed S�ore 17.G5 <br /> ll1 lJ �.J1-�'LL:�..Jliri'� J�1�V 1 ?r U �� y •`'r�' � l � �-iCn.�/��1 J �ier��inin,; V� <br /> � e� lee cl_or�e_ s .-re��nt a:_d <br /> ni.s de�ar�:�en� :��ey�e uiscus�ed. <br /> ine C'_iie� rel�orted �o t'ze �oard t'_�a� 'J�lentine S�ar�.z;�slri, � te::i�?orary <br /> y'irer:�an, �ad resi�ed e-�:fective Jul�T '7, l��'6. ��e �oaru �cce;�tec� his -��e- <br /> S1.�'i1��1.OT1. <br /> ,!1.l�l�li� eTOSO�� 1�OI'?� �I1Ci �0�:1�.11 J . �esnie�.��CZ !1�:'1f1� �i'.,.SSP�'L t�1e T��1�T'�1C`ct�. <br /> E���ad"!1712t10riS �;iven O�j i,�le vl�;J :�OC�Oi' a.�1`� �lle �OCi.OZ' �p�o�r_'ced �Jy �i1C �17'G?:1G:1� 5 <br /> �ension l�'��nd mr�.stees are ��ere; ,�laced on ��ie �ire :JC_��1't:1CI1� io-r t���e rro- <br /> ba�ionar; �eriod oi si:� rion���s, ei°i ec i,ive Jul� 15, 19�'G. <br /> Chiei �e�Jlee�c:�orre�� �:ras �-r^.�z�.,ed �?er�:�ission to a�terl� L_1G In�errlation�.l <br /> �11'f: ('i�11e{'� � �011ti�^..:it].OTl �`�.i. u12V@�.��lk� �%110 Ji1�.,',r �N �O `�.� 1'.1CZ.USIVE.'� <br /> 1 OLIC.;� �_�!'±i`!'''�i:`I' �_11i{' Jver��t �IaS �Y'�3e�!� 2.riCt ?'1'?��eI'S j�E?'�?.1.Tllri�� t0 :115 <br /> de�ar�-:ient �rere ai�cussed. <br /> '�ne C��iei' �resented t:�e �ollorrin� letiter to tne :�oa.rd: � <br /> Jul� 8, 19�;6 - <br /> Boa.rd o� TU�Z.1C �.TOr'_S �nd Sa�'e�c;�, <br /> v 1 L jr ��.c`�..Z.�.� <br /> ,`„OL1�G�1 '�'0i�:.�'�� Tp.;��a;;,� <br /> Ge»tler.:e_z: <br /> Ple�se be auviseu ��zat Oii icer �_aui'i:�an i ailecl �o i�e�ort i or du�;; on <br /> �ul�; 4, 19�"G. I c�ould li�>e to ca11 �:,:�e �oardts a��cenzion to tn.e iact tizat <br /> I�l�L'_i:2Yl.a.Y1� =,`�'_Z'T1S 2riC�. ,j�Y'�e?'1i, J�.-?1����,S�:1UOi,i1 S�?.i�AC;. 111 ��1�].Y' re,�ori, ti1�.� Ll�'j':�C�Y' <br /> :��atiu:.-:zant s at�i�Lucie i�as no� been �ood. �lze Oi�icer has i_a�lied� on nu.ierous <br />