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�V � <br /> � <br /> June 17, 19�-6 � <br /> � <br /> � re�ular meetinr, oi t�e Board o�' Publ.ic Sai'et�- r�a.� held or ?�.ond�- , � <br /> June 1'7, 1946 at 10:00 A.t.�. T«r. Levy rras absent. i.:inutes oi' t'ne 1.ast <br /> meetin� r;ere read and approved. Claims o� �:�e follorrin�, suppliers in the <br /> �nount of �_;;�11,�2U.8U ��rere a�.�roved an.d ordered paid: . <br /> . <br /> �usiness S�Ts tems ;;� 20.65 Scnillin�' ^ Tnc. <'; 3.5G <br /> City '�'later �:�orks - ' 3�£3.4'7 Schillin�1 s Inc. 16.56 <br /> Crouse-lyinds Co. 10. 52 �eat;rave ;'orp. 43. 50 <br /> �avies Laundry 1£3.79 ;eL�-rave �orp. 10,38�3.00 <br /> Chas. �eVleescho�;rer 1.4. 50 �hee'_nan �ire Service 76.00 <br /> I�arrf T. �'verett 5.�0 . Sheenan Tire Service 60.50 <br /> I'avor-Rv1zl �c Co. 9.00 0. J. S?hoeria�:er 4�3.�6 <br /> �ederal Jle c. Co. 59.�0 C. J. �hoemaiier 1.80 <br /> Gerber ?::fg. Co. �.'75 South r end Su�pl�r Co. 1.09 <br /> Indiana �iard;•rare Co. '7. 50 South �;end Supply �o. 1.16 <br /> Tndiana �ard.-rare Co. 1�.�-3 ;�outh Bend au�p1,� �:;o. 2.13 <br /> _l�e :::cCafier� Co. '7.95 Sou�h �,end Sup_�l� Co. 1?.49 <br /> Tne ;�icCai_'ery Co. 22.05 Sou�li �end Sup��ly Co. 9.'79 <br /> i.?cC1�ve Printi�� Ce.. �0.00 J., �. -.Ialz Gara�,e �l.�0 <br /> ?:ie�:�orial �ios;�ital 3.75 Harley i�avidson 2�.F0 <br /> s. ";. �"e;�er <�, Son 2.40 ','lestern �Tnion �'el. 7.98 <br /> Radio Distributin�; Co. 25.32 <br /> ��'IRu �}�P?�1r,I:�ili: C�ziei' �eVleesci�.orrer z-ras present and�tters pertaininb to <br /> his depar��lent �1ere Giscus�ed. � <br /> �":n a��lication i'or t:ne �'ire Jepar�,�:ient rras received ��oi:� ';'alter J. <br /> Buc�a and z-ras ordered i iled. <br /> Janiel �'. �e'Ireese not h�ving passed zize �ahfsical elialnination �iven <br /> by the �itf �octor, the Clern oi th.e Bourd t•ras authorized to �mite to <br /> DeVreese informing nim that i1e �ras rejected. <br /> POLICJ :��P�'�Ri.T�i?T: C-{ief :�vere�t �.-ra� ���esent �nd r�ia�ters pertainin� to <br /> r_�s depar�,lent ,�rere discussed. <br /> %Ln �p��lication soi' zhe Police �epa_l t�:lent l��as i�eceived irom Jar.?es <br /> Ra;,n::ond !�u��ustir_e and ?ras ordered 1'i1ed. <br /> . iize Ciii.ei presented lzis report i or t'_�e rnon�th of ?Ta�;, 1946. <br /> .� co�:��:iunication ;�as received irom �the �o�;ir.lon Covr_cil t�rith a �etition <br /> received by ther;� �sl�in� �'or _:�ore ?'recauent police patrol on the side streets <br /> oi' tne cit� to izelp discoura�e crime. '''nis �;as rei'er-recl to the Chief oS' <br /> Police. <br /> ihe Chief �,ras aut�orized �o at��end a?: Indiana ?'olice Chie�s Conve��- <br /> tion in :�o?�omo, Zndiana On �3une 18,19 a.nd 20. <br /> 1 renresentative o�' �he JLtT?:io?' Ch2riber of Co?:L:Zerce came be�'ore t�e <br /> �'oard to as11 per:lission t;o �lace bales oi p��er on �(;he sicie �.�all�s doti•m <br /> �corm to advertise their paper drive. `i'his request Z-raU denied, but :�ever- <br /> al other su4`estions r�rere _��.de z�rhich rrould be just as eii'ective but rrithout <br /> peciestrian trai'fic hazards. <br /> �L�CiR1Ci�L ��P^��i:.:�T�T: �;.r. �dilliam :?ualls, Su;�er�ntenden-�, ,°;as x�resent anci <br /> ?:�a�ters �e�^tainir n�;to nis depart?�.ent tirere diSCl1SS�C�. <br /> :� netition rras received a�l�in� for tile installation of a street li�,,ht <br /> �.t �-ze int�rsec�ion oi' Iron�roocz �rive a.��d Dona7.d Street. 1n1S t��as referred <br /> to i.�r. �ualls for .inves ti�ation and re�ort. <br /> =::r. <<;,ualls s��ami�ted a report to the Board on e:tiistin�; street _li,�nts <br /> and also �nose t�.at �ad been or�ered in from the Indiana and =.'ichizian �:�lec- <br /> tric Co�n�?an�r. <br /> t� petition �•,ith thir�y four si;�ers rrnic:� had 'aeen sent to tne cor.xmon <br /> council r�as referi�ed b;� the.n to ��.ie �oaru. �his asked ior the ins�allatior_ <br /> o" a street 1i�,nt ai, t1�e intersec-�ion oi ?nd-�ana':venue and lulaski �treet, <br />