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�� � <br /> �,�; <br /> C"°? <br /> rIR� J�P:"��Ti:i��7T: Chief �eVleeschotrer t•ras present and in,�.tters �ertainin� � <br /> to his depa��-L�nent rrere discussed. � " �-� <br /> . � . <br /> �lne ?�'ire Cnief rras au�horized to send trro men to Tire School at <br /> Lar a�rette, Indiana on �;iarch 4�h, 5th and 6�h. The r:ien. to be assign.ed <br /> b;� hii:�. <br /> Jo,�.n Adar�lsl�i, a me:�ber of the r ire �epartment, t^�as promoted to <br /> Lieutenant efs ective Tdiarcn l, 1946, to oe a�si�ned to duty by the Chiei. <br /> POLLCE DEPARTi�,L'�tT: Ch-�ef Lverett ��ras present and matters pertainin� to <br /> his de?artanent �•rere discussed. <br /> Tn.e Cni ef inf or�ed the Eoard that he had susp ended Ri chard Bauer <br /> on February 20, 19�-6, nnd submitted the i'olloz°Tin�; let�er: <br /> nebruary 25, 1946 <br /> Board o1' i'ublic '.';orks and aa.f'et�r, , , <br /> Ci�y Ha11, <br /> South Bend, Indi ana <br /> Centlemen: <br /> Please be alvised that at appro�imately 2 a.m. Sunday mornin;, �'ebruary <br /> 1'7, 1946, Oi'ficer Bauer brou���t t:��o men to the police station �nd inforn�ed <br /> Ser��. �Seals that the t�.To. �en �:�ere tinder arrest and t�zat ne ;rould like to <br /> have them bool�ed. '�.ze one, �o��� Jol�nson, of 320 �Ia�by Court, for drunl� <br /> drivin�; and the second par-t�, A�,��.en Lamirand, oi' �16 47est Oak S�reet, fbr <br /> drur_I� ar�.d di s orderly conc�uc t. � <br /> Ser�t. lle'.'IispelaEre stated tnat 0�'i'icer Bauer �ras in a highly e�citable <br /> S'raY1e of r:iind that a1'ter ar;uing for some tir�e i^rith botn I,lessrs. Johns.on <br /> and Lar.zirand �roceeded to strike several bloti�rs and that both P::ess�s. Joiznson <br /> and L�nirand ;rere bleedin�; be��ore the i'i���.tin� could be stopped. <br /> Ai ter discussin�' this r.matter �Titi� Ser�ts. De�;Jispelaere and Seals, I called <br /> Oificer Bauer the office on ',Iednesda;;, �ebruar� ?0, 1946, and ini o�-ci e <br /> him that he rras suspended for violation oi' Rule 12 oi the Rules ana Regu- <br /> l�tions of the South Bend ?olice Depart�ent and �hat he i�rould receiTre a <br /> letter irom the Board oz �u�,�lic ':"Torl:s and Safety at a later date ir_structin� <br /> him to appear before the Loard 1'or a �;r:ial. <br /> Yovrs truly, <br /> (s) _N_, m. ;��verett <br /> cids Cl�ief' of Police <br /> �."ne Foard discussed the above le�ter and set i�.T�rch 4, 19c6 as a date upon <br /> ��11�.ich to hold a n.earinr of said char�es. <br /> Ii'IR� !�^P1??�T�,:Ei�T: Tn.e follorring men ,-:ere directed to r:al�e appoint�ents <br /> E•rith the �itS :�octor and the �octor appointea b;.r the Police Pension Ii'und <br /> �or ex��inations �'or ap�oir.t�ent to the r�ire Je�ar�nent: ��ranls ��onl�, <br /> Josep'ri :7��rorecki, C�arles �eVleesc'_�o�•rer, Jr. , ��iex�r_der B�.�cno a.nd Clemen� <br /> Gront'_�o��rski. 1,1e Clerk of the Board -,�as authorized to ins�ruct Dr. <br /> ��o give a specific yes or no as to .-rhether the ap�licant is �nysically <br /> able to perform the i'ull dizties oZ" the i'ire depart�ent. If no is indicated, <br /> tn.e �octor is to sta�e ti-�hether or not the deiects cGn be corrected and <br /> notif f �he �oard oi sarie. A co�� oi' the above ir_struc�ions is to b e sent <br /> to the trustees oi tne Pol�ce Pension Fund and the �'irement s Pension Pund. <br /> �L��,C'_�'ICAL D�P�R`I?,:�,I?1: i:1r. ;"lilliam Oualls, Su?�erin�ender_t, i•ras present <br /> and r.2a�t�rs pertain-�n� to hi.s depart�ent tiaere discussed. <br /> A letter ti-;as received i'rom the residents of t,he �3eacon Heights <br /> i3ousin� Praject relative to li��ztin� conditions in �he project. Tnis t�ras <br /> referred tc I�,�r. �ualls for investigation and repor�L. <br />