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q z/� <br /> �. • <br /> PGLICL DEPAF.T��LivT: Chief �verett �:�as nresent and n.atters pertainin� to his <br /> � department . t�:ere discus sed. � <br /> Tne follo�;�in�; applications ti^.ere received for t;he police Depart:�ent : <br /> Bernerd �. Chod�ins��i, �.obert Larl rloldeman and Ervin Alvin Plencner. lhese <br /> ti�Jere ordered filed. <br /> EL�CTRIC�L DLPAr:Ti.�idT: A petition y^��as received asring for tne installation <br /> of a street light at the intersection of `���oodla;rn and Parl�vie�v Place. This <br /> T,�oas referred to the Elec�rical �epart�en� for investi`Tation and report. <br /> .�.Zr. �u�.11s presented letters from the Indiana �� I�.iichi�an Electr�ic <br /> Com�.:any infor_nin� him of the installation oi street lights at Bonds <br /> Avenue , �:�aJme � '�°�estern and the li�hts in �ercliff Aduition. <br /> POLICE DEPARTi�IEi,T: Chief Everett presented a let�er frora Doctor Har::�on <br /> indicatin� t'Z�:t Robert rasalich, a �iember oi �he �'olice Depar �*�ent �:�l�o has <br /> been in the �rmed Forces of the ��nited States , is found ready ar_d able to <br /> return to �:�ork. The Chief informed the Loard that �fficer Pasalich :�rould <br /> re ' urn to ��vor�� on T�?ovember 6 , 1945 . <br /> ':'��IGriTS �, i.�LASU��S: I,r . Cnarles �urns , City �ealer, filed his .rer�ort ior <br /> the vreek endinJ November 3, 1945. <br /> There bein:� no further business to come before the Board, the r.lee�in� <br /> ti•�as adjourned a� 11:15 ?�.r,:. � <br /> �:TTES'�: �/� <br /> � C hai r�ian <br /> - C�er r — <br /> V <br /> T;over:lber 19 , 1945 <br /> k re�*ular meetin� o� the �-=o�-r-d oi Punlic Sa�ety ��ras hela on ��`.onda;, <br /> T�;over,:�er 19 , 1945 at 11:00 ti.i:'. All r:�embers :�ere present . ?:'inutes of the <br /> last meetinU ��rere read and approved. Salar�� clai�s in the a.�ount oi <br /> �;28�nL79 .gg �°rere a�proved and ordered paid. Claims of the follo�°Ting suppliers <br /> in the amount of �;�176.21 vrere approved and ordered paid: <br /> Ch2s. �=rmstrong �,� 1.5Q i1or. Ind. Pub. Ser. Co. �� 2.�1 <br /> Cit;� 'r�ater �'�orks 1.07 G. J. Shoem�.l�er 10.00 <br /> T.R• <br /> _: iss B. �lt�;roth 80.00 Sibley iieatinL �: Plurlbing . � <br /> V. L. r�armon, i;i. D. 30.00 �outh �end Sup�1;r Co . •�� <br /> International FIarvester Co . 20.�6 �ndret�r Troeger & Co . 1`�• �� <br /> irTar-��ain Pharmac;� i0.52 ueorge ���l��an & Co. 4 .45 <br /> FIRE DEPkRTI'.��i�1� : Chief DeVleesc'r�oyrer ��aas present and matters pertainin� to <br /> his depar�ment �rere discussed. � <br /> . Applications for the Fire Department t•rere received �rom Laniel i�I. <br /> i.'incinski, Dennis r. rios inski and Joseph i1m. �cIagdalinski. Tnese �^rere ordered <br /> iiled. � � <br /> . J, R. DeVleescho:•rer �,�ras appointed a temporar� fire:�an be�inning. T�over.mber <br /> 20, 1945. � ' <br /> POLIC� DE��RT:,��i�T : Chief �verett •�°�as �,resent and matt�rs ��ertainin� to his <br /> departr:lent �:��ere c'�iscussed. <br /> :pplica�ions for the Police Depa-r�.nen� -:�ere received from ��ril ��icharc� <br /> i�O�ET'S � C'Llai 1.@S i eter Lenyo, �il.'_'T'eCl JO'ilri raczesn;yT,T�10::1�iS Carl Conc.on, :�eT18Ci.i.0� <br /> �tanle�r �ajdeli, i�o:;ard D��Ji�iit �rbve, �'orrest iLor.:as i�iblick, ancl �rere or�.ereu <br /> iileci except those o� Ro�ers , Len��o �:nd rac�esny -,�nicn Fre�e -re jecteci because <br /> the;r did no� meet �ne require.�:ent� us to lzei�h�. <br /> A letter ,.as received from the Folish 1american r�usines�rnen� s �"-:ssociation <br /> as�:in� that the spee� li:�it on -:+�stern �venue ol 20 rniles per hour be en- <br /> fcrced a stop li�ht a� ";Iestern anci hrnold Stree�s be installed and that a <br /> Folice�Officer oeUassi�ned to patrol on foot �testern rivenue betvreen the hours <br /> of 9 :00 �.I+I�. and �:00 A.?';;. The Loard draited• a le�ter in return stating <br /> �hat the re�vest for tile eniorce�;�en� ci speed '��ras referred to the Folice <br /> . Chief, t?ie request for a traf�ic si�nal ��-:as re�'erred to the irar'i'ic Er.Vineer <br /> ior investi.�ation ancl repoi t , �nd trne request for a �oot patrolman ti�rbula be <br /> �iven consideration ti°�hen ::�anpo�•rer a�;ain becomes nor�ial. <br />