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:a � <br /> �� � <br /> � <br /> C"°? <br /> instead he reported bacl� to your office. At that time �ou sent him to m5T �� <br /> office for further examina�ion and treatment. c� <br /> He arrived in the office thorou�hly confuse�. �nd disoriented. In short, <br /> he presented a �icture oi complete physical and mental delapictation. He <br /> refused hospitalization ti�rnen it tiva� sug�,ested at that time. Ho�,vever, <br /> t�ahen he left the office I called the hmerican Legion and made arrangements <br /> for P�:r. Roscoe Jordan to pick i�7r. Berner. up and take him to the Veterans <br /> Bureau Hospital at T,iarion, Indiana. This ti��as done, but T�Zr. Berner re£used <br /> to 0o into the hospital. He v��as re�urned home, and the follov�in�; day Dr. <br /> Ray Thomas ,�ras sent. out to see him. Ho`,rever, he could not be persuaded <br /> to return to the hospital. <br /> C?n actober 15 �, 16, he v�a.s �iven a complete physic�.l examination in this <br /> o#'fice. At the tirne of exarninAtion he had a pulse rate of 104, blood <br /> px�essure of 170�100. An electrocardio�r�.*:� sho�^aed a coronar;r insufi iciency <br /> probably on the basis oi an arteriosclerosis . He had a lar`e inguinal <br /> h�rnia. A i�,Iazzini blood test ti�.�as ne�ative . Urinalysis of urine sho��^red <br /> a. mild nephritis or �-iidne�T dise�se. . ' <br /> I���ental status is as follo���s : � � ' " <br /> He is e:icentric and considered oda. I�e leads a hermit like e:�istence. <br /> He evidences a 1ar�e arloun� of emotional, cieteriorat�ion as ��vell as physical <br /> and mental delapidation. For years ne has sho��m no desire to bo �+e11 <br /> groomed or to keep personally clean. �ie has no mental or physical pride. <br /> This is evidentall� a mental condition belonginb to the ma.nic-depressive <br /> stage and shoule be hospitalized for from one to thrae years . <br /> Diagnosis : <br /> ( a) In�uinal hernia (rt . ) <br /> (b) Chronic nephritis <br /> ( c ) �Lrteriosclerosis i°rith hypertension and coronary insufficieney. <br /> (d) i�2anic-depressive psychosis depressive phase tivith emotional <br /> deterioration and physical and mental delapidation. <br /> Respectfully ;�ours, <br /> ( s ) V: E. H�rmon, i���i.D. � <br /> The Chief inforr,ied the Board that Gfficer Leo '�`Jilliams had returned <br /> to active dutti as of Cctober 22, 1945 as Captain and "Ufficer Bryan Roe <br /> tivas automatically reduced to Sergeant and assi�ned to the Detective Bureau, <br /> as of the same date. <br /> An applic�.tion for a Special Police Commission �vas approved for George <br /> Reiser and ordered held for bond. <br /> EL•ECTRICAL DEPARTI�.ET'T : P,Tr. ti"Jilliam Qualls , Superintendent, v�as presen� <br /> . anci matters pertaining to nis depari;m�nt .,�ere discussed. <br /> A petition ti�rith fifty names tivas pre�ented to th� �oarci askin; for � <br /> the installation ot a street; lignt a� the intersection of Ez�rin� Avenue <br /> and Hoke Street. This was referred to T�Tr. Qua11s for investigation and <br /> report. <br /> Upon P�Ir. Qualls recommendation, the �oard approved the installation - <br /> of a street 1i�ht at the intersection of Hur.mboldt and Eclipse Streets �nd <br /> I��s. f�ualls ti^�as instructed to appl� for same. <br /> There being no f urtner business �o come before the Board, the meetino <br /> ti^Tas adjourned at 12;00 noon. ' <br /> ATTE° . <br /> � <br /> Ch ir:�ian <br /> Cl <br />