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�6 � <br /> � <br /> C� <br /> PG�LICE D�PA�Ti;.ET?T: Chief Everett tiJas present and r:tatters pert�.inin� to � <br /> his department arere discussed. � <br /> An application for the Police Department zJas received from hlexander <br /> Robert Horvath and v�ras rejected because oi laer� of educational require:nents . <br /> An application for a spec�al Police Commission ti•ras received from <br /> Georbe �. Erp. This ;�ras approved and ordered held for bond. <br /> The Chief preseni;ed his report for the m�onth of Septernber , 1945. <br /> Q�'ficer Carl Sn�.fer ��rho suffered a le� injur;� sorne time ago tivhile <br /> on duty, �ras granted permissiol� to see a bone specialist because. of the <br /> fact the his leb is not healing as it should. <br /> Chief Everett presented the fo1lo��rin� lett�r to the Board; <br /> Gctober 12, 1945 <br /> Chief Everett, <br /> South Bend Ci�y Police Departr.lent <br /> Dear Chief Everett ; <br /> Tllr. Leo E. ';Jilliams of 1650 i�Torth Colle�e Street , South Bend, Indiana <br /> .^ras examined in this office and was found to be physically qualified to <br /> return to ��ork on the police force. <br /> RespQCtfully yours, <br /> . ( s ) V. E. Harmon, T��7.D. . <br /> The Chief also inforr,led the Board �hat Gfficer Lemler had reported <br /> after having been released from the �rrlod ��'orces of the United Sta�es <br /> and the Chief was directed to have �fficer Lemler , take a �eneral physical <br /> examination �efore reportin� for active duty. <br /> ELECTRICAL DEPARTi�.1EI��T: i47r. �,Jilliam �ualls, Superintendent, tiv�s present <br /> and matters _pertaining to his departmen� drere discussed. <br /> Upon .�rTr. Qualls recomm.endation the Board approved the installation <br /> of two 1000 lu��n street li�hts on Duey Street bett^�een South �end Avenue <br /> and the dead end of the street. One to be installed about in the m.iddle <br /> of �he bloc?; and one at the dead end of the street. P;ir. �ua11s ;ras <br /> directeci to apply for per:nission to install same. <br /> �! petition containin� tt•renty three names vras presented to the Board <br /> asi;in� for a street li�ht at the intersection o�' E1liott Street und Elv�ood <br /> Avenue. lhis ��as referred to ivlr. Qualls for investigation and report. <br /> There beir�; no iurther business to . come before the Board, the meeting <br /> ,rvas �adjourned at 11 :45 A.T?. <br /> ��TT n i :�an <br /> � Vr . <br /> . <br />