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�� � <br /> � <br /> C'� <br /> FIRE DEPARTI��TEI��T : Cnief DeVleescho�rrer tivas present and matters pertaining C�7 <br /> to his department yJere discussed. . � <br /> The Fire Chief informed the Board that he had received a letter <br /> from �ra A. Bennett , a �empoz°ary firer�an, requesting permission to leave <br /> the department. The Board granted his request effective Q:c�ober 15, 1945. <br /> The Chief requested permission to send t��:o men to Purdue University <br /> Octol�er 23rd, 24th and 25th. The Board �ranted permission. <br /> Upon r�otion duly made and seconded, the folloti�ring men vrere appointed <br /> as regular members of the Fire Depart�nent subject to their ability to <br /> pass a physical examination by the City and Pen�ion •Doctors, a nd the Chief <br /> �ras instructed to send them to the Doctors for the required e�amination : <br /> George John Tezich, Urban Patnaude, lo;elvin Iiic��e�T, Clerlent T,�larosz and <br /> August ascar i�Taessens. . <br /> PC3I,ICE DEPARTf�7EidT: Chief Everett vras present and matters pertaining to <br /> his department �rere discuss�ed. <br /> A special police bond tivas approved for Forrest Scott and Laas ordered <br /> filed. <br /> Applications• for the Police Department ti^;ere received from J�nes <br /> Chester V'lhisenhunt and Edtirard I�Tietch. These vrere ordered filed. <br /> The fol�ot�ring letter �rras received by the Board: <br /> October 8, 1945 <br /> Bourd of Public ;"�orks and �afety, <br /> C i ty Hal l, . <br /> South Bend, Indiana . <br /> Gentlerien: <br /> I would like to call �Tour at-tention to the fact that it was necessary <br /> to susperid �fficer Leo Berner on Thursday, �ictober 4, 194.5 at 3:30 <br /> p.m. for violation of Rule No. l� of Rules and Regula�ions of the South <br /> Bend Police Department. <br /> I informed Officer t3ernQr that he v�ould undoub�edl�r receive a letter from <br /> the 3oard informin� him to appear for a trial a� a later date. <br /> • �ours trul�, <br /> ( s ) Harry T. Everett <br /> - Chief Qf Po1icQ <br /> The followin� letter ti��as drafted and sent .to �fficer Berner : <br /> Q�ctober 8, 1945 <br /> P,Zr. Leo Berner, <br /> 218 East Alt�eld Street, <br /> South �end, Indiana <br /> Dear lrrj�• �erner: <br /> Please take notice that the Board of .Public adorks and Safe�y of the City <br /> of South Bend, Indiana, z^rill ho•ld a meeting at 11:00 A.1,�. on the 22nd day <br /> of 0'ctober, 1945 for the pur�ose of holding a hearin� on the facts �vhich <br /> resulted in your suspension on Thursday, Qc�ober 4, 1945 a� 3:30 p.:r?. <br /> for violating rule nurlber four�een of the Rules and Re�ulations oi the <br /> South Bend Police Department. . <br /> Yor:�are c:zar�ed tivith having' reported for• duty at the Police Station under <br /> the influenc�� of liquor and t��ith the �e11 of liq_uor on your breath, on <br /> the above day.,. � . <br /> If� you �rish you ma� be ho�d in person and ��rith Counsel. . <br /> � Ver;� truls- yours, . � , <br /> • B0�'��� Or PUBLIC '.�uGRKS 11ITD SAFETY � <br /> . BY: , James P. �onbo;;, Clerk . <br />