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w � <br /> r) � <br /> Indiana �: i::ich. Elac. Co . �;� �7.80 Scnillin��s Inc. � 9.16 <br /> ?�crte Bros . 10.61 Sir.lon �sros. 3. 10 <br /> The Linde ��ir Products Co . .60 South Bend Glass :�orlrs 8.75 <br /> I. :1. Lo�ver Co. 1.�5 South Bend Smeltin� Co. 12.00 <br /> Llectro-�'oice i.?f�,. Co . 9.00 Super F:lzto �Salvage Co . 7.21 <br /> I. :d. Lower Co . 1.05 .E. H. Tepe Co . 1.00 <br /> The T.IcCaffery Co . .95 - V�n Can1p IiardT�°rare �: Iron 1.03.59 <br /> The L?cCaffer� Co . .30 Geor�;e �1-;*rnan �c �o . 11.34 <br /> FIR'�' DLPA�tTi��I1T : Chiei Detitleeschoti^:er ti�as present and matters per�aining to <br /> his denartr:lent :��ere discussad. <br /> I�pplications for the r�ire department �:�rere received froin Elbern Dale <br /> Lant and z��as orelered filed. <br /> � contract for Pire service -�vas ��proved btiT the Boarcl tivhich covered <br /> fire service to the air port, signed b�- the Civil t"�ernautics �dministration. <br /> FOLICE D�PA'�Ti,I�.NT: Chief Everett ti�as present and matters pertainln� te <br /> his depart�:ient ��Tere discvssed. <br /> Police Officer Erne�t T�;elson has _petit�oned the Police Pension F'und <br /> Bo�»d for retirinent due to tne fa.ct that ne is physicallSr unable }o carr�* <br /> on his rolice duties. A letter fror.i his physician, i�:Ir. Joseph A. �:bel y <br /> u�as presented, in t-vhich the Doctor indicated t:�at T,s. ���elson is sufferin� <br /> from 2 Juodenal Ulcer. and should �e re�;arded as totally disak�le for active <br /> dut,., The Bo�rd recomrlended that i;ir. Tvelson bet a report from the C�t� <br /> Doctor. . _ . <br /> �olice Officer Fred F. T�liller navin�. pe�it�on�d the Police Pension <br /> rund Board £or disability pension, pres�nted the follo�.vin�; letter: - <br /> t�u�ust 4, 1945 <br /> Board oi Public Safet�r . <br /> and v <br /> Police Pen�ion Bo�rd <br /> Gentle��n: <br /> Lnclosed find letter and cop�, fro:: Dr. l�lfred �llison, statin� <br /> the cond�t ion of m� left le� �,-r'nich •.r�s ir_�ured on the Police Departr:ient in <br /> 19�0 and yrhicn no,°r renders :�e ur_a'�le to perform the duties oi a Police oifl�icer. <br /> I ti�r�s appointed to the Fc,lice Denartrlent on P::arch 4, 1925 and have <br /> been in active service t,ntil �,u�ust 14-, 1945, completin�; fu11 tv�enty ;�ears <br /> of service. <br /> I ari askin� these �oards to place me on te:�porary disabilit, <br /> pension as o�' 1'�ugust 1'S, 1945. <br /> Verv trul� tTours, <br /> 4fficer Fred �. P;�iller <br /> He also presented letters from Dr. Elliscn and the City Doctor V. E, riarmon <br /> indactir.� that his condition rras such th�t he :�ras unz'it for Police Duty. <br /> The �oard reco��ended that Gfficer i:iller �pply for permanent disability <br /> pension. <br /> �fiicer Zell came before the :�oaru and asr_ed to be retired because of <br /> his �ears oi service. The �oard discussed this at some len�th but decision <br /> on the matt�r rv�.s deferred to a later d�te . <br /> Chief �.verett asked per�:ission to bu� a nevr rlo�orc�cle and traue in ar� <br /> o1d one . The Board directed the Vle?'I: to adve��tzse lor bicls for sar�e. <br /> LI��'CT�IC�'�L �EPARZi:i�T�?T: i.:r. ;Jillia?n �,�,alls , �u_r,erintendent, �ras present and <br /> mat�Lers perta�:�ir.� to his de?artnent .t�ere discussec�. <br /> U�,on i,.r. Qualls reco�lendat�_on a street light ti•ras ordered installed <br /> at the intersection of Catalpa and Calvert Streets . i;'r. 2ualls •�ras directed <br /> to appl�. to tre :`;.F. �. ier perir�ssion to ins�all sa_m�e. <br />