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�� � <br /> C"°� <br /> Indiana �: I;iichigan Electric �o . . �� <br /> South Bend, Indiana , � <br /> July 14, 19.45 <br /> Board o�' Public �b�orYs� <br /> �ity of South Bend, <br /> Sout h Bend, Indiana <br /> Gentlemen: <br /> As a result of our previous discussions tirith you respectin� the <br /> matters of ( 1�'the installation, opera-�ion a.nd main�enance of <br /> certain nez� street li�hting eq�aypr7ent for experir.iental pu_rpcses <br /> and (2 ) an adjus�nent in the char�es for street lignting service <br /> during the so-called "broti�m-out't, our understandin� of the con- <br /> clusions reached are as folloti�rs : . . <br /> This Company is to forthyrith install, at the intersection of <br /> Lincoln ':Ja;� East and JOfferson Stree�s in the City of South Bend, <br /> eleven units of li�ht scurce to be serviced fror�. ite under�round <br /> distribution s;�stem, and to maintain these units of light s��.rce <br /> in operation ever� night, and all ni�ht continouslf after the da�e <br /> of installation and until , Januar3r l, 1947. The installation, oper- <br /> ation and maintenance of these units shall be for experimental . <br /> purposes. 1�iercury vaopr lamps snall b e the type of light source <br /> unit to be iirst installed. Sixty days thereaiter they are to be <br /> . �eplaced with incandescent t�*pe of li�ht source. Thereafter, during <br /> said period and to f urth er ��id experiment, the type of light source <br /> unit and intensi�y thereof shall be changed from time �o time as may . <br /> be mutuall;� agreed upon. r,or the period from the date of installation <br /> to January 1, 1946, such eleven units shall be deemed to be in <br /> susstitution for the fourteen 6000 lumen units the�T are to replace, <br /> and there shall be no increase in the a�gregate ariount of service <br /> charges. Service f or the year 1946 shall be rendered as settlement <br /> in f ull of all claims fo� credit or refund under the existin� street <br /> l.ighting contract arising out of or as a consequence of the broti*�n-out. �� <br /> If the above accords vrith your understanding, please endorse �your � <br /> approval on the enclosed carbon cop;� hereof ar.d return to us so <br /> that this may _become a me�orandu� of our agreer:len�. <br /> ITuDIAT?k & itiICHIGATI �I�C�RIC COi�iPAT`TY <br /> APPRQT�ED; <br /> �Y: J. G. I+ioonoy, Vice-President <br /> Jul� 16, 1945 . <br /> `�`JEIGHTS AND P�Z:�ASUR�S: T,�. Charels Burns, Ci�, Sea7ier, filed his repor� <br /> for the tiveel� endin� Jul� 14, 1945. <br /> . �1'here being no fur�her business to com.e before the Board, the �eeting <br /> was adjourned at 11:30 A.P;i. <br /> �T '.� T: � hairman � <br /> C l erk <br />