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�� <br /> � <br /> PaLICE DEPARTi�.iyNT: Chief Lverett �ras present and mattera pertaininj to <br /> his department �vere discussed. <br /> An anplication ior a parl�ing lot at 1001 SQUth j��lichigan Street, to <br /> be operated by Fred i�licholas, was ap�roved by the i3oard. <br /> The follo�ving letter :^ras received by the Board: <br /> Jul� 9, 19�s5 • <br /> Board of Public ,'�lorl:s and Safety� <br /> Cit� Hall, <br /> South r3end, Indiana <br /> Gentlemen : <br /> It has been called to my attention bg :filliam H. Hudak, Captain of the <br /> Patrol Division that on July 6, 1945 afficer Albert Voorde failed to <br /> make a number of calls. L�. �3urns instructed Sergeant T��icCarroll to <br /> locate Officer Voorde and ascortain ivhat the trouble might be. <br /> S�t. I��IcCarroll met Officer Voorde and demanded an e�planation as to <br /> why he tiF�as not making hi� calls. Officer veorde became very angr�r <br /> and dema.nded that they go to the station to discuss this matter. <br /> Upon arrivin� at the st�tion, Lt. Burns and Sgt. IrlcCarroll tried to <br /> reason `rith the Off�.cer, but tvith no avail. Officer Voorde became <br /> very an�ry and used qui�e a bit Qf profanity and infor�ed Lt. Burns <br /> und S�t. ���cCarroll that he did not have to vrork on the Police Dept- <br /> art�nent to earn a living. Lt. Burns inforr��ed hiri that �t ��ould be necessary <br /> to call this mat�er to the at�entior. of the Chief, and officer Voorde s�ated <br /> sarcastically that it mi�ht be a �ood idea if he signed the repor�. Iie <br /> then zrall�ed ou� oi the roor.i. <br /> 4n Jul� 7, 1945 at 2 :35 p.ra. , I called OfficQr •Voorde into the off ice <br /> and iniorrned hiri that he vras suspended and tha.t char�e� ti�rould be filed in <br /> tvriting ��ith the Board of Public ylorks and Safet;�, and tha� he �vould receive <br /> a ti^�ritten notice to appear beiore the Board at a later date as he had de- <br /> finitel� violated Rules �to. 8 and 19 of the <iules and Re�ulations of the <br /> South Benu Police Departme��. <br /> � " Respectfull� �ours, <br /> dds ( s ) Iiarry T. �verett <br /> Chief of Police <br /> The folloti°ring letter zras drai'ted by the �oard and sent to Gf'ficer Voorde: <br /> July 9, 1945 <br /> T�Zr. Albert Voorde, <br /> 908 Tlorth E�„ier Street, <br /> South Bend, Indiana <br /> Dear :;�r. Voorde : � <br /> The Board has this date been advised by the Chief cf Police that you have <br /> been suspen�ed as of July. 7,. 1945, and �ou are hereby notified tha� the Board <br /> tirill meet to hear charoes against you at 10:00 A.T,T., IoIondaf, July 16, 1945 a� <br /> the Of'fices of the Board in the City Hall, South �3end, Indiana, at z�rhich time <br /> �rou �nay hear and be heard in person, or i*ri�h an ���orney. <br /> �You are char�ed ti�rith violatin.� rules eight and nineteen of the ttules and <br /> Regulations of the aou�h �end Police Departr:�ent, in tha� you did on Ju1� 6, <br /> 1945 fail and neglect to carrti� out duties assigned to you bet�Jeen �he hour� <br /> of 7 :14 P.�,i. and 8:39 P.1�,�. of tnat date and in that ;�ou i•rere guilty oi in- <br /> �ubordination, of failing to make a proper explanation of �our absence t'rom <br /> duty to vour superior oificers, and in usin� vile langua�e in aadressin� them <br /> and main�aining an attitude of disrespect tov°�ard the:n. <br /> In the event af your absencQ from the hearing as aforesaid, tne Board ;vill <br /> r�ake a decision upon the evidence to be submitted to it at that time. <br /> VerJ t�ul,�,r yours� <br /> TdL:fn BOARD OF PUBLIC �dORi�S APZll SAr'ETY <br /> ( s ) Jaries P. Conboy, Clerl� <br />