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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> likely to take advantage of that and begin dumping. And once you start getting dumped upon, <br /> unfortunately, others may join in. <br /> She continued, In regards to 2018 accomplishments, as aforementioned, we installed some 'No <br /> Dumping' signs in areas frequently dumped upon. We've coordinated with local businesses to <br /> fence off a dangerous make-shift trail near the Ironwood Bridge. Right across the street from the <br /> Oaken Bucket on the State Farm side of the street, there's a very dangerous make-shift trail that <br /> would go down to the water. We had many homeless residents living there under the bridge. <br /> Thousands of pounds of debris were collected over there in the last couple of years or so. We <br /> worked with the Fire Department,Police Department and the local businesses to abate the property <br /> and also to permanently fence that off Since we've done that, we've not had any problems at that <br /> specific location this year. We've implemented an electronic document storage system and we've <br /> began scanning files. If you haven't visited our office recently, I encourage you to do so because <br /> we got rid of a bunch of filing cabinets and we are very excited about that. We added two (2)new <br /> inspectors and also transitioned to 311. We meet on a monthly basis with 311 to work out any <br /> kinks we may be having. Knowledge Based Articles have been created and made accessible to <br /> citizens and 311 and we've demolished thirty-seven (37) unsafe properties, twenty-seven (27) <br /> vacant and abandoned and ten (10) garages and/or sheds. We also added two (2) new full-time <br /> inspectors and one (1) part-time historic preservation inspector to our team. We regularly attend <br /> neighborhood and community meetings and whenever we are invited we make sure someone <br /> attends and comes back to the office to share the information they gathered. <br /> She went on, We've purged closed housing files and have sent many to archives for storage. That <br /> has freed up space and subsequently has made a better working environment for our team. We've <br /> continued to update our aging car fleet with pickup trucks to increase functionality of vehicles for <br /> inspectors. It is much easier to go down an alley and get to difficult spots if you're driving a truck <br /> that can access those areas more easily. We continue to cross-train staff. Some of the training <br /> provided to our staff includes asbestos training,diversity and inclusion, customer service, seller in <br /> government,NIMS training,project management and active shooter active aggressor training. One <br /> (1)of the things that is not on that list is the fact that we've worked pretty regularly with the Police <br /> Department to identify nuisance properties that are brought to our attention. <br /> She continued, Some of our goals and challenges include dividing our inspectors into two(2)focus <br /> groups, those being housing and environmental. We have increased special assessments, <br /> processing for civil penalties and demolition invoices. We continue to build our community <br /> outreach programs. Often times we are invited to neighborhood cookouts, which we love. I think <br /> we are building good communication with our community. We look forward to meeting or <br /> exceeding our goal of two (2) outreach community contacts per month. We are converting our <br /> current brochures into Spanish and that is pretty much completed. We are also creating a database <br /> of resources available to people who need help with Code environmental issues. Often times we <br /> find that there are resources available to people who struggle, however, they are scattered <br /> throughout the community and we don't know exactly where to direct people to. We are continuing <br /> to provide additional training and employee development to our staff. <br /> She went on, Some of the challenges and opportunities we have to face includes resuming the <br /> vacant and abandoned property registration. We are restructuring the environmental inspections to <br /> be of a ten (10) day cycle that is immediately followed by abatement crews. This will increase <br /> efficiencies and reduce the cost of abatement crews. We are trying to increase revenue through the <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 (574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 3 <br />