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40 CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> departments to understand their needs. They would like to install a larger CNG compressor at <br /> Riverside to handle the increased capacity and use of methane. They want to create City-wide <br /> contracts for facilities. As we look at facilities as a whole, we are coming up with consolidated <br /> vendors we use. They are looking to expand the automated vehicle locator capabilities. They also <br /> look to partner with Diversity and Inclusion to expand the inclusive purchasing practices including <br /> revised City purchasing policy in 2019. That will likely come around the same time the Disparity <br /> Study is complete. They also want to maximize the rebate program with JP Morgan Chase. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to questions from Committee and Council Members. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, Do you have a list of all the new positions that will be on one (1) <br /> sheet of paper? <br /> Ms. Hockenhull replied, We will have that on September 19th, 2018. We will have a full <br /> presentation that will give each position and the rationale. You're going to love it. <br /> Councilmember Davis replied, Thank you. <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated, The Police Department seems to be going to hybrids instead of <br /> CNG. Why is that? <br /> Ms. Hockenhull replied, I can't speak for them but I think they were finding problems with the <br /> after-market installation of the CNG kits so it seems like it makes a little more sense to use hybrid <br /> vehicles where there is not a lot of extra maintenance. I think there were a lot of things that went <br /> into the decision to switch. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis left the meeting at 6:26 p.m. <br /> Human Capital and Inclusion <br /> Kyra Clark, Director of Human Resources for the City of South Bend with offices located on the <br /> 12th floor of the County-City Building, stated, In Human Resources, our goal is to be a great <br /> employer for great employees. This week, I was really excited because we got an email notifying <br /> us that we've been nominated as the Best Place to Work in Michiana. We hope you all vote. We're <br /> excited that other people are recognizing the things we are doing to be a great employer. Getting <br /> to the nuts and bolts of the budget for Human Resources, we are not asking for any additional <br /> positions or any changes to the salary ordinance. This year we do feel we've done a lot of really <br /> great things including the staff climate survey. That was the second (2nd) year doing that. We <br /> implemented the Parental Leave Program and there have been twenty-eight (28) participants so <br /> far. That is continually growing and we have gotten fantastic feedback from the folks who have <br /> been able to benefit from that program. We have implemented Employee Benefit Concierge <br /> service which has been really positive to help employees navigate benefits. My Choice is trying to <br /> provide an alternative to new hires instead of participating in the ten (10) year vesting pension <br /> program by having a shorter vesting period. Jen also touched on this but we are really proud of the <br /> employee clinic. The savings to the City has been at least $500,000 since it opened in 2016 and I <br /> think it is pretty safe to assume that much of the management of Fund #711 can be attributed to <br /> the opening of the Clinic. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.92211f 574.235.9173117D 574.235.55671 <br /> 19 <br />