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BILL NO. 38-18 <br /> SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCE NO. 10614-18 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, LEVYING <br /> TAXES <br /> AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING <br /> REVENUE TO MEET THE NECESSARY EXPENSES OF THE CIVIL CITY <br /> OF SOUTH BEND FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING <br /> DECEMBER 31,2019 <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> It is necessary to pass this Ordinance in order to levy taxes and fix the rate of <br /> taxation for the purpose of raising revenue to meet the necessary expenses for 2019. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br /> THE CITY OF <br /> SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> SECTION I. There shall be levied upon each One Hundred Dollars of Assessed <br /> Valuation of Taxable Property of the City of South Bend, Indiana, for the fiscal year <br /> 2018 to be collected in the year 2019 the following: <br /> For CORPORATION GENERAL FUND, the sum of$3.6535 on each one <br /> hundred dollars of Taxable Property. <br /> For PARK AND RECREATION FUND,the sum of$0.8597 on each one <br /> hundred dollars of Taxable Property. <br /> For CUMULATIVE CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND,the sum of$0.0385 on <br /> each one hundred dollars of Taxable Property. <br /> For PARK BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND, the sum of$0.0833 on each one <br /> hundred dollars of Taxable Property. <br /> Total Civil City Rate $4.6350 <br /> SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and <br /> after its passage by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br /> Passed on October 8, 2018 by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br /> Presented to approved and signed by Mayor Peter Buttigieg on October 9, 2018 <br /> Approved: Tim Scott, President of the Common Council <br /> Kareemah N. Fowler, City Clerk <br />