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City of South Bend— Former Gates Chevrolet/Toyota Facilities <br />January 17, 2012 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS REVIEW <br />The following publicly available listings will be reviewed <br />Standard Environmental Records Search Distance <br />(Miles from Boundaries) <br />Federal NPL Site list <br />1.0 <br />Proposed NPL Site List <br />1.0 <br />Delisted NPL Site List <br />1.0 <br />NPL Liens List <br />Target Property <br />Federal CERCLIS List <br />0.5 <br />Federal CERCLIS NFRAP List <br />0.5 <br />Federal RCRA TSD Facilities List <br />0.5 <br />Federal RCRA Generators Lists <br />0.25 <br />Federal CORRACTS list <br />1.0 <br />Federal ERNS list <br />Target Property <br />US Engineering /Institutional Controls Lists <br />0.5 <br />US Brownfields List <br />0.5 <br />EPA Consent Decree List <br />1.0 <br />EPA Record of Decision List <br />1.0 <br />State Hazardous Waste Site List <br />1.0 <br />State Landfill and /or Solid Waste Disposal Site List <br />0.5 <br />State Leaking UST List <br />0.5 <br />State Registered UST List <br />0.25 <br />State Spills List <br />Target Property <br />State Brownfields List <br />0.5 <br />Indian Sites Lists <br />0.5 <br />Manufactured Gas Sites <br />1.0 <br />ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS <br />Additional state or local database listings will be reviewed as deemed appropriate. A comprehensive <br />review of Indiana and /or federal regulatory files is beyond the scope of this Phase I ESA effort, although <br />as deemed necessary, Wightman Petrie may initiate a Freedom of Information Act Request through the <br />Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Central <br />File Room, or access pertinent <br />information made available through the Virtual File Cabinet. <br />PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCES <br />A United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 Minute Topographic Map will be reviewed to evaluate area <br />topographic and surface drainage. At least one (1) additional physical setting source will be reviewed for <br />information on the geologic, hydrogeologic, hydrologic, or topographic characteristics of the site. <br />HISTORICAL USE INFORMATION <br />The purpose of consulting historical sources is to develop a history of the previous uses or occupancies of <br />the site, and surrounding area, in order to identify those uses, or occupancies that are likely to have led to <br />recognized environmental conditions in connection with the subject site. <br />USES OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTIES <br />Prior uses of the subject site will be identified from the present, back until the period of initial <br />development using available "standard historical resources" listed below: <br />Aerial Photographs <br />Fire Insurance Maps <br />