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be submitted within five (5) days of the preceding month for which services were <br />rendered. For example, the invoice seeking payment for services rendered in January, <br />2012, shall be submitted no later than February 5, 2012. In the event of termination of <br />this Agreement as provided in SECTION 6, all non - disputed sums owing and due the <br />Provider for services rendered shall be paid within fifteen (15) days of receipt of any <br />invoice. <br />D. Reimbursable Expenses. The Commission shall not reimburse the <br />Provider for expenses unless such expenses have been approved in writing by the City <br />Controller. Expenses which may be reimbursed under this provision shall be reasonable <br />and necessary, and shall relate to the functions and purposes of the Commission. All <br />claims for reimbursement of expenses shall be supported by a detailed itemization of the <br />expense including invoices or receipts with the nature of the claim incurred. All <br />disbursements to contractors must be pursuant to a written contract entered into in <br />accordance with this Agreement, which must be submitted with the claims to be eligible <br />for reimbursement. Payments made by the Provider that have not been approved by the <br />City Controller or do not have proper itemized documentation shall be deemed the <br />personal obligation of the Provider. <br />SECTION 5. Term. <br />The Term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date, and shall <br />terminate on the earlier of the Expiration Date or Termination Date, as described at <br />SECTION 6, below. This Agreement shall be renewable on such terms and for such <br />periods as the Parties shall agree in writing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this <br />Agreement is subject to annual appropriations of the Commission in accordance with <br />Indiana Code § 5- 22 -17 -3. <br />SECTION 6. Termination and Default. <br />A. Termination. This Agreement shall expire on the earlier of (i) the <br />Expiration Date without notice to either party; or (ii) within twenty (20) days of an <br />offending party's receipt of a Default Notice (as defined below) if such default or failure <br />continues and remains uncured as discussed in Section 6(B) below through no fault of the <br />party initiating the termination (the "Termination Date "). <br />Upon tennination of this Agreement for any reason, copies of all data, electronic <br />files, documents, procedures, reports, estimates, summaries other work papers, and any <br />other supporting documents, whether completed or in process, accumulated by the <br />Provider or prepared or provided by the Commission or the Provider relating to this <br />Agreement or the Requested Services shall be and remain the property of the <br />Commission and be delivered to the Commission upon request in a usable form within <br />sixty (60) days of the Termination Date of this Agreement. The Commission shall retain <br />7 <br />