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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -December 21, 2007 <br />accepting the counter offer based on money <br />already put into the building, the city's desire <br />to preserve this important piece of South <br />Bend history, and the potential of its reuse in <br />the Coveleski Neighborhood planning area. <br />Mr. Downes asked about the possibility of <br />moving the building to a new location. Mr. <br />Schalliol responded that the building has <br />been evaluated for a possible move. It has <br />been determined it can be moved. <br />Mr. Peczkowski asked if any historical <br />agency is interested in the property. Mr. <br />Schalliol responded that Historic Landmarks <br />has protective covenants over the building. <br />Mr. Downes asked just how much control <br />HLFI has. Mr. Schalliol responded that <br />HLFI's covenants cover the right of first <br />refusal. They have waived their right of first <br />refusal in discussions with Mr. Wood. They <br />have the right of refusal on the use of the <br />building. It was sold specifically for single <br />family use. The city has been in discussions <br />with HLFI. They will consider other uses. <br />In addition, there are certain elements in the <br />building that must remain, such as some <br />chandeliers. <br />Mr. King made a motion to approve <br />Resolution No. 2422 approving and <br />accepting a counter offer for the acquisition <br />of property in the South Bend Central <br />Development Area. Mr. Downes seconded <br />the motion. The motion carried on a vote of <br />three to one with Mr. Peczkowski opposed <br />(3) Commission approval requested for <br />Resolution No. 2424 setting the Fair Reuse <br />Value of Land in the South Bend Central <br />Development Area (NW Hill & Colfax) <br />COMMISSION APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 2422 <br />APPROVING AND ACCEPTING A COUNTER OFFER <br />FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN THE <br />SOUTH BEND CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />6 <br />