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REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2011 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />BILL NO. 63-11 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL AMENDING THE <br />ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED <br />AT 1145 NORTHSIDE BOULEVARD, 947 LOUISE <br />STREET, AND A VACANT PARCEL LOCATED TO <br />THE NORTH OF 1145 NORTHSIDE BOULEVARD <br />AND TO THE WEST OF 947 LOUISE STREET, <br />COUNCILMANIC DISTRICT 3 IN THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br /> <br />Councilmember Kirsits, Chairperson, Zoning & Annexation Committee, reported that <br />this committee met on this bill this afternoon to discuss the pros and cons and voted to <br />send it to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. <br /> <br />th <br />Ms. Christa Nayder, Staff Member, Area Plan Commission, 11 Floor County-City <br />Building, 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, Indiana, made the presentation for this <br />bill. <br /> <br />Ms. Nayder advised the petitioner is requesting a zone change from MU Mixed Use <br />District and LI Light Industrial District to MU Mixed Use District and CB Community <br />Business District to allow athletic fields and a reception hall. <br /> <br />On site is a vacant industrial building and two lots, one used for recreational purposes. <br />To the north is a vacant industrial building being considered for a fire station, zoned LI <br />Light Industrial District. To the east is a promotional company zoned LI Light Industrial <br />District, and the YMCA zoned MU Mixed Use. To the south is the St. Joseph River. To <br />the west is a railroad (unzoned) and the South Bend Farmer’s Market zoned MU Mixed <br />Use. The MU Mixed Use District is established to promote the development of a dense <br />urban village environment. The regulations are intended to encourage all the elements of <br />a traditional urban village, including: storefront retail; professional offices; and, dwelling <br />units located either in townhouse developments or in the upper stories of mixed-use <br />buildings. The development standards in this district are designed to: encourage a <br />pedestrian oriented design throughout the district; and, maintain an appropriate pedestrian <br />scale, massing and relationship between buildings and structures within the district. The <br />CB Community Business District is established to provide a location for high volume and <br />high intensity commercial uses. Activities in this district are often large space users <br />which may include limited amounts of outdoor sales or outdoor operations. Development <br />within the CB District shall be coordinated to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian access <br />from nearby residential districts. The total affected area is just over 4 acres. The area to <br />be zoned to CB Community Business is 2.45 acres (Parcels A & C as shown on the site <br />plant.) The area to be zoned MU Mixed Use District is 1.6 acres (Parcel B shown on the <br />site plant.) Parcel A is open space. The only building on Parcel B is a 1,440 sq. ft. picnic <br />shelter covering 2% of that site. Parcel C has a 7,900 sq. ft. building covering 15% of <br />that site, and 29 parking spaces covering 52%. On November 2, 2011, a parking variance <br />was approved by the Area Board of Zoning Appeals to allow for the reduced parking of <br />the proposed use on Parcel C, by sharing 108 of the YMCA’s parking spaces. The <br />building at 1145 Northside (Parcel C) has existed on this site since at least 1966. There <br />was a building at 947 Louise (Parcel B) which was removed before 1986. Northside <br />Blvd. is a two lane street. Louise Street is a two lane street. The Board of Zoning <br />Appeals, at its November 2, 2011 meeting, gave a favorable recommendation for a <br />Special Exception to allow the continued use of Parcel A as athletic fields. The Special <br />Exception will be heard before the Common Council at the same meeting as the rezoning. <br />The City Engineer would like to see the number of driveway opening reduced to two and <br />a public sidewalk installed. The Future Land Use Map shows this area as Light Industrial <br />and Mixed Use. With the exception of the YMCA, the remainder of this block is vacant <br />or underutilized. The most desirable use would be to allow a development that would <br />still protect the existing community assets. Due to the mixed use of this area, <br />surrounding property values should not be negatively impacted. It is responsible <br />development and growth to allow the reuse of an underutilized building that is <br />compatible with surrounding uses. Based on information available prior to the public <br />hearing the staff recommends that the petition be sent to the common Council with a <br />favorable recommendation. The Area Plan Commission held a public hearing on <br /> 12 <br /> <br />