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financing, accounting, advertising, bond discount and supervisory <br />expenses, capitalized interest and expenses the Commission may be <br />required or permitted to pay as "relocation assistance" under <br />IC 8 -13 -18.5, together with the expenses in connection with or on <br />account of the issuance of bonds therefor. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SOUTH BEND <br />REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION THAT: <br />SECTION 1. For the purpose of procuring funds to pay for <br />the cost of property acquisition and redevelopment in the Area, <br />together with a sum sufficient to pay the estimated cost of all <br />expenses reasonably incurred in connection with the acquisition <br />and redevelopment of the Area, including the total cost of all <br />land, rights -of -way and other property to be acquired and <br />redeveloped, all reasonable and necessary architectural, <br />engineering, legal, financing, accounting, advertising, bond <br />discount and supervisory expenses, capitalized interest and <br />expenses the Commission may be required or permitted to pay as <br />"relocation assistance" under IC 8 -13 -18.5, together with the <br />expenses in connection with or on account of the issuance of <br />bonds therefor, all in and with respect to the Area that has been <br />found and declared to be blighted by the Commission pursuant to <br />the Declaratory Resolution of the Commission, and which Area was <br />the subject of a petition requesting the issuance of bonds by the <br />Commission to procure funds for the above - described activities, <br />filed with the Commission, and which petition the Commission has <br />found to be sufficient and in compliance with IC 6- 1.1 -20 -3, the <br />City acting for and on behalf of the District, shall make a loan <br />in the amount of Four Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars <br />($4,900,000). <br />In order to procure the funds for said loan, the Controller <br />of the City is hereby authorized and directed to have prepared <br />and to issue and sell the negotiable bonds of the District, the <br />principal of and interest on which are payable solely from a <br />special tax to be levied upon all of the taxable property in the <br />District and deposited in the Redevelopment District Bond Fund, <br />which bonds shall be issued in the name of the City, for and on <br />behalf of the District, and which shall be designated "City of <br />South Bend Redevelopment District Bonds of 1990," in an aggregate <br />principal amount of Four Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars <br />($4,900,000) (the "Bonds "), and which amount (together with <br />investment earnings thereon in the approximate amount of <br />$300,000) does not exceed the cost of property acquisition and <br />redevelopment in the Area, together with a sum sufficient to pay <br />the estimated cost of all expenses reasonably incurred in <br />connection with the acquisition and redevelopment of the Area, <br />including the total cost of all land, rights -of -way and other <br />property to be acquired and redeveloped, all reasonable and <br />necessary architectural, engineering, legal, financing, <br />-3- <br />\rlhill\studbakr\corrproj\lufnlbnd;la;Apri1 6, 1990; <br />