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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Larry Miller, 1109 Culver Place, stated, I worked for the Sewer Department for seventeen (17) <br /> years, but I can tell you that the sewers are in bad shape in the City of South Bend. The sewer that <br /> runs in front of my house is concrete, but it is deteriorating due to the chemicals running through <br /> our sewer lines. There are rocks falling down that are as big as baseballs. Roosevelt Street has a <br /> flat sewer line. We've reported it, took pictures of it over and over. When you put new material <br /> over old material, it weakens the old material. When you connect new pipes to old pipes, it <br /> weakens them. The lines are all bad. I've complained and talked about it, but it got me nowhere. <br /> Seven(7)or eight(8)years ago,I was told that we have$7,000 to come work on these lines. What <br /> happened to the money? They were supposed to hire a firm out of Chicago. One(1)of these days <br /> a school going to go down that street and its going to cave in. Larry Cook was my boss at <br /> the time, Sam Hensley was the Commissioner. They didn't believe us that it was going to cave in. <br /> They paved Main Street, then it caved in and they had to redo it all over again. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated,Representing Riverside Drive and Keller Park,what we saw was <br /> not only cracks with clear water coming in, but there was black sewage in every home in Keller <br /> Park. Everyone I talked to had that issue. I am a true believer in Global Warming. I lived in St. <br /> Louis in 1993 during the flood, moved here in 1994 and they've had two (2) events down there <br /> that were just as big as 1993. If we have to put flapper valves on the pipes to the river, I suggest <br /> that. I do want to make the chairs aware that we have an event going on along Portage Avenue <br /> from Oakwood to Riverside. From the rains we've had in the last two (2) weeks, we have sewer <br /> backing up into homes of people who have lived there for thirty-eight (38) years and are now <br /> having issues. They are coming out to start looking at cleaning those lines. It's a trend. It's not <br /> only running down Portage, but it is on Oakwood and Riverside. I am still on top of that and <br /> working with the City. That is on very high ground, so there are some instances where we need to <br /> stay on top of our sewers and look at it. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott left the meeting at 7:30 p.m. <br /> Dawn Hopkins,558 Marquette Avenue, stated,I want to state for the record that I have great pause <br /> about your backflow program, knowing the percentage of backflow valves that absolutely failed <br /> in the 2018 event. I would not have spent my money on a backflow valve if I had known that I <br /> would be doing the same thing eighteen(18)months later. I felt it was a horrible waste of money, <br /> and I felt betrayed by my investment. I thought we would be safe, we won't have sewage in our <br /> house. We rebuilt and won't have to do this again. No, we had the same groundwater issue again, <br /> coming into our toilet. We did not quite have the three (3) foot geyser coming out of our toilet <br /> that we had in 2016. It was just spilling over the edge. At least it filtered the water enough that it <br /> was brown water rather than chunks of feces in our basement. Some of our neighbors had three <br /> (3)feet,we had about eighteen(18)inches. Still,if it is ground water,it's one thing,if it is sewage, <br /> it's another. This is a detriment to our public health and our riverways, and I want us to address <br /> the sewer system for the betterment of public health, and for the betterment of the ecology of the <br /> St. Joe River. <br /> Laura Klepper, 645 Ostemo Pl., stated, Thank you to the Committee for allowing us to speak. I <br /> am a scientist and I had the water levels in our basement tested. It had E.coli levels that were high <br /> enough to beyond shut down beaches. They were about twenty (20) times higher than what the <br /> limit would be for safe water for swimming, and that was in my basement water. I want to echo <br /> what a couple people have said here already about climate change. As a scientist it is not about <br /> believing in climate change, it is about facts and evidence,but we won't get into politics here. The <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY 1 INNOVATION ' INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building227W.JeffersonBvld South Bend.Indiana 466011P574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 1TD574.235.5567', <br /> 10 <br />