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L <br />of a hearing on said appropriation to be published as required by <br />law; and <br />WHEREAS, such public hearing was held on July 13, 1990 at <br />10:00 a.m. (local time) at 1200 County -City Building, 227 W. <br />Jefferson Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana, concerning said <br />appropriation at which all taxpayers and interested persons had an <br />opportunity to appear and express their views as to such additional <br />appropriation; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the South Bend Redevelopment <br />Commission as follows: <br />1. The proceeds derived from the sale of the bonds <br />heretofore authorized to be issued and all investment earnings <br />thereon in the approximate amount of $15,000 shall be, and are, <br />hereby appropriated by the Commission for the purpose of providing <br />funds to be applied to the cost of property acquisition and <br />redevelopment in or serving Allocation Area No. 1 together with a <br />sum sufficient to pay the estimated cost of all expenses reasonably <br />incurred in connection with property acquisition and redevelopment <br />in or serving Allocation Area No. 1, including the total cost of <br />all land, rights -of -way and other property to be acquired and <br />redeveloped, all reasonable and necessary architectural, financing, <br />engineering, legal, accounting, advertising, bond discount and <br />supervisory expenses, capitalized interest and a debt service <br />reserve for the bonds to the extent that the Commission determines <br />that a reserve is reasonably required and expenses the Commission <br />may be required or permitted to pay as "relocation assistance" <br />\rlhill \sthbnd \airport \1u- 946;la;June 27, 1990; <br />-3- <br />