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(4) The construction of Mayflower Road Improvements in the City of <br />South Bend consisting of the widening and resurfacing of the <br />roadway and appurtenant work, all of such construction and related <br />improvements to be made on the following described.real estate <br />acquired or to be acquired by the Authority: <br />MAYFLOWER ROAD NORTH OF OLD CLEVELAND ROAD <br />DESCRIPTION <br />A part of Section Twenty (20), Township Thirty Eight (38) North, <br />Range Two (2) East and situated in the County of St. Joseph and <br />State of Indiana, more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Northwest Corner of the Southeast One - Quarter <br />(1/4) of Section Twenty (20) Township Thirty -Eight (T 38 N) North <br />Range Two (R 2 E) East, and running in a southerly direction along <br />the North -South centerline of Section Twenty (20) a distance of <br />four hundred twenty -seven (427) feet to the Point of Beginning; <br />thence in a southerly direction along the North -South centerline of <br />Section Twenty (20), a distance of two thousand two hundred <br />nineteen (2219) feet, thence running in an easterly direction, <br />along the South Line of said One Quarter (1/4) Section a distance <br />of thirty (30) feet, thence running in a northerly direction on a <br />line thirty (30) feet East of and parallel to the North -South <br />centerline of Section twenty (20) a distance of one thousand eight <br />hundred sixty nine (1869) feet, thence running North four degrees <br />twenty -nine minutes fifty -three and seven - tenths seconds (N 040 29' <br />53.7" E) East a distance of three hundred fifty one and <br />twenty -eight hundredths (351.28) feet, thence running North <br />eighty -nine degrees fifty -two minutes twenty -three and three - tenths <br />seconds (N 89° 52' 23.3" W) West a distance of sixty (60) feet to <br />the Point of Beginning, excepting therefrom that portion thereof <br />lying within the bounds of Mayflower Road as now established. <br />The above description referenced to Book 538, Page 317 of the St. <br />Joseph County Recorder; <br />and <br />MAYFLOWER ROAD NORTH OF OLD CLEVELAND ROAD <br />DESCRIPTION <br />A part of Section Twenty (20), Township Thirty Eight (38) North, <br />Range Two (2) East and situated in the County of St. Joseph and <br />State of Indiana, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Mayflower Road <br />and a line drawn parallel to and distant 650 feet Southerly of <br />measured on a line normal to the centerline of the Indiana <br />East -West Toll Road as shown by plat recorded in the St. Joseph <br />County Map Records; thence Southerly along said centerline to the <br />-5- <br />