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.f r <br />(2) The construction of Mayflower Road Extension Improvements in <br />St. Joseph County, Indiana consisting of the construction of <br />approximately 2,800 linear feet of roadway south from the current <br />intersection of Mayflower Road and Old Cleveland Road, lighting, <br />extension of water and sewer lines and appurtenant work, all of <br />such construction and related improvements to be made on the <br />following described real estate acquired or to be acquired by the <br />Authority: <br />MAYFLOWER EXTENSION <br />DESCRIPTION <br />A parcel of land located in Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township <br />Thirty -Eight (38) North, Range Two (2) East, all being in German <br />Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, and being more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />A strip of land being eighty (80) feet wide and being forty (40) <br />feet each side of the following described line; Beginning at the <br />point of intersection of the north /south centerline of said Section <br />Twenty -Nine (29) with the south right of way line of an existing <br />public road now known as Cleveland Road, thence south, along the <br />north /south centerline of said Section Twenty -Nine (29) to a point <br />of terminus, said point of terminus being 2770.0 feet south of the <br />North Quarter Corner (N1 /4) of said Section Twenty -Nine (29), the <br />sidelines of said strip being shortened or lengthened to intersect <br />with said south right -of -way line of existing Cleveland Road and <br />said sideline terminating at right angles to the point of terminus, <br />and containing 5.02 acres, more or less. <br />-3- <br />