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L <br />Engineering plans for improving State Road 23 are currently being finalized by the State <br />(INDOT) with construction anticipated to begin in 2012. Plans call for widening State <br />Road 23, between Twyckenham Drive and Campeau Street, and will introduce a <br />landscaped median - divided highway with two lanes of traffic in each direction and calls <br />for the reconfiguration of the Five Points intersection. <br />The improvements to State Road 23 will create a number of opportunities for new <br />development in neighborhood. With the increased capacity of State Road 23 it is <br />anticipated that traffic will also increase and cause the property along the roadway to <br />become highly desirable for new development and businesses. In order to protect <br />property values and the neighborhood's character, development along State Road 23 from <br />Twyckenham to Campeau should be restricted to professional services offices and small <br />scale retail. These uses will help to buffer the surrounding residential properties from the <br />impacts of the increased traffic. <br />In addition, the reconfiguration of the Five Points intersection will create a number of <br />parcels for future development. The new intersection will be a commercial node and a <br />key transition area between Eddy Street Commons, the Eddy Street Corridor South and <br />the future office / small scale retail development along State Road 23. The newly created <br />development parcels located at the Corby Boulevard and State Road 23 intersection, and <br />the surrounding area, should be focused on mixed use development. <br />Although the roadway improvements will not directly impact the intersection of State <br />ILI Road 23 and Edison Road, and its immediate surroundings, this area will continue to be <br />monitored to ensure that any future development complements activities occurring along <br />State Road 23 and will continue to be supported as a commercial node. <br />Goals and objectives for the State Road 23 corridor: <br />• Preserving and enhancing the quality of life as identified by residents, including <br />easy access to neighborhood schools, parks and commercial areas; and public <br />safety; <br />• Improving the accessibility and making physical improvements to Fredrickson <br />Park; <br />• Creating a redevelopment strategy for the Area, including a vision for mixing <br />commercial and residential uses, improved traffic circulation, enhanced <br />streetscapes, and public gathering space; <br />• Reducing traffic congestion and improving pedestrian and bike access along State <br />Road 23. <br />• Expanding the off - street trail system to provide enhanced multi -modal access to <br />parks, schools, and commercial areas. <br />D. Future Development Areas <br />Given limited resources, efforts need to be made in a focused manner in order to <br />maximize the impact and overall visibility of redevelopment; so not all portions of the <br />Northeast Neighborhood Development Area can be addressed at once. Although the <br />