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LIM-A <br />M <br />P MARCHE <br />iii ^Ce $. -.�.. <br />Abonmarche Professional Services Agreement <br />AGREEMENT between: Abonmarche Project Number: <br />Client Name: CITY of SOUTH BEND, REDEVELOPEMENT COMMISSION Date <br />Client Address: COUNTY -CITY BUILDING, ROOM 1200, 227 WEST JEFFERSON BLVD. Phone <br />Cell: <br />SOUTH BEND, IN 46601 <br />Fax: 574 - 235 -9021 Email: <br />to as the Client, and Abonmarche Consultants, Inc., referred to as Abonmarche, of 750 Lincoln Way East, South Bend, IN 46601. <br />The Client contracts with Abonmarche to perform professional services with regard to the Client's project generally referred to as: <br />Project Name: PEDESTRIAN SHELTERS for BUS SERVICE <br />Location: DOUGLAS ROAD / MARKET PLACE DRIVE <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />The professional services to be provided by Abonmarche, collectively referred to as the Work Plan, are as follows: <br />Scope of work: DESCRIBED IN APPENDIX A <br />Project schedule: OUTLINED IN APPENDIX B <br />Special Provisions: NONE <br />MAY 19, 201 1 <br />574 - 235 -5834 <br />hereinafter referred <br />Abonmarche proposal /work plan, dated MAY 19, 201 1 is incorporated into this Agreement by reference, and is limited to the services <br />described therein. The Client agrees to promptly pay for services provided by Abonmarche for the Scope of Work according to the following: <br />fee as detailed in APPENDIX B: $ 7,300.00 <br />Prior to commencement of services, the Client will specify any and all documentation that the Client requires for submission with the invoice for services <br />provided by Abonmarche. Absent any special request from the Client, Abonmarche will send its standard form of invoice. <br />If, after receipt of an invoice from Abonmarche, the Client has any questions, or if there are any discrepancies in the invoice, the Client shall identify the issue in <br />writing within ten (10) days of its receipt. If no written objection is made within the ten (10) day period, any such objection shall be deemed waived. <br />Abonmarche invoices are due upon receipt. <br />The Client has designated BILL SCHALLIOL as its Representative. The Representative shall have the authority to <br />execute any documents pertaining to this Agreement or amendments thereto, and for the approval of all change orders, addenda, and additional services to <br />be performed by Abonmarche. The representative shall be the contact person for submission of all documents, invoices or communications. <br />Authorization to Proceed and Guarantee of Payment: By signing this Agreement the Client authorizes Abonmarche to provide services described above, and <br />that the Client is the responsible party for making payment to Abonmarche. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received and agree to the Terms <br />and Conditions on Page 2 of this Agreement and I understand that the Terms and Conditions take precedence over all prior oral and written <br />understandinas. These Terms and Conditions can only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a written instrument signed by both parties. Any <br />notice or other communications shall be in writing and shall be considered to have been duly given when personally delivered or upon the third day after <br />being deposited into first class certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt re uested. <br />Authorized Client Representative <br />Authorized Abonmarche Representative <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />Client: REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />Signature: <br />Signature: <br />Printed Name: 6187HN W. LINN, PE <br />Printed Name: <br />Title: PRESIDENT / CEO <br />Originating <br />Title: <br />Office ABONMARCHE CONSULTANTS, INC. <br />Address: 750 Lincoln Way East <br />ATTEST: <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />BOARD of PUBLIC WORKS: <br />T 574.232.8700 <br />F 574.251.4440 <br />Signature: <br />Signature: <br />Signature: <br />Signature: <br />Date Signed: <br />Date Signed: <br />F:\Proposols\P ihru T\S \South Bend Cii \Dou las Road \Bus Shelters\COSB PSA <br />05 -19 -1 l.docx <br />COSB reviewed 05 -04 -11 Page 1 of 2 <br />