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o� 'v"I 'I <br /> 1200 CouNTY-Cmy BUILDING ' // PHONY 5741235-9371 <br /> 227 W.JEFFERSUN BOULEVARD Wa \� ''' i FAx 574/235-9021 <br /> \� PIEA' CE <br /> SouTH BEND,INntANA 46601-1830 <br /> 1865 <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND STEPHEN J. LUECKE, MAYOR <br /> COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br /> JEFFREY V. GIBNEY <br /> EXECU'rivF DIRECTOR <br /> December 22, 2011 <br /> Council Member Timothy Rouse, Chairperson <br /> Community & Economic Development Committee <br /> South Bend Common Council <br /> 4th Floor, County City Building <br /> South Bend, IN 46601 <br /> RE: Personal Property Tax Abatement Petition for: <br /> Steel Warehouse Company LLC (1400 West Riverside Drive) <br /> Dear Council Member Rouse: <br /> Please find attached the Department of Community & Economic Development's report on a personal <br /> property tax abatement petition for the above-referenced petitioner. Also attached is a copy of the petition, <br /> Statement of Benefits form,and supporting information. The proposed project calls for the acquisition and <br /> installation of manufacturing and material handling equipment to be located at 1400 West Riverside Drive. <br /> The report contains the Department's findings relative to the above petition. The total cost for the <br /> equipment is estimated at between $1,900,000 and $3,400,000. The project meets the qualifications for a <br /> (5)five-year personal property tax abatement and a representative from Steel Warehouse Company LLC will <br /> be available to meet with the Committee on Monday, January 10, 2010. <br /> Should you or any of the other Council members have any questions concerning the report, or need <br /> additional information, please feel free to call me at 235-5834. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> //Vk "I LAVVAI <br /> Matthew Sikora <br /> Economic Development Specialist <br /> Attachments <br /> cc: South Bend Common Council Members <br /> Mayor Stephen Luecke <br /> Jeff Gibney <br /> Don Inks <br /> CoMMLSNIrr DEVELOPMENT EcONOMIc DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL&PROGRAM <br /> PAMELA C MPYF-R DONALD E.INKS MANAGEMENT <br /> 579!235-9661 5741235-9371 ELIZABETH LEONARD <br /> FAx: 5741235-9469 5741235-9371 <br />