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the Building Improvements, as such improvements will provide for additional economic <br /> development of the downtown area of the City, including increasing the assessed value of the <br /> Chase Tower yielding additional annual property taxes and retaining and creating jobs within <br /> Downtown South Bend; and <br /> WHEREAS, in order to induce Care Hotels to undertake the Building Improvements, <br /> establish a reputable hotel presence in the Chase Tower and rehabilitate the Chase Tower, the <br /> Commission desires to purchase a 99 year leasehold interest in the parking garage portion of the <br /> Chase Tower (the "Garage Interest"), and the City and the Commission desire to provide certain <br /> additional incentives and undertakings to Care Hotels, as more particularly described herein; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Parties recognize that (i) the City and the Commission must take <br /> additional actions in order to implement certain of the incentives and undertakings set forth <br /> herein including, in some instances, completion of required statutory and regulatory proceedings, <br /> and that the City's and the Commission's obligations hereunder shall be subject to completing <br /> such additional actions, (ii) the obligations of the City and the Commission hereunder are subject <br /> to Care Hotels fulfilling its obligations hereunder, and (iii) the obligations of Care Hotels <br /> hereunder are subject to the City and the Commission fulfilling their respective obligations <br /> hereunder. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE,the Parties hereby agree that the foregoing recitals are accurate and <br /> incorporated into this Agreement for all purposes, and further agree as follows: <br /> SECTION I. City Agreements. The City and the Commission agree with Care Hotels <br /> as follows: <br /> (a) The Commission shall, subject to further proceedings required by law, <br /> purchase the Garage Interest from Care Hotels for a total purchase price of Five <br /> Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5,700,000). The Parties agree to enter <br /> into a Garage Purchase and Master Lease Agreement, Garage Lease and Operating <br /> Agreement, Financing Agreement, Escrow Agreement, and such other Agreements <br /> necessary to carry out the intent of this Agreement (collectively "Closing <br /> Agreements") setting forth the obligations of the Commission and Care Hotels in <br /> connection with the transfer of the Garage Interest to the Commission. <br /> (b) In connection with the Garage Purchase and Master Lease Agreement, the <br /> Parties will also enter into an Escrow Agreement. The proceeds from the sale of the <br /> Garage Interest shall be deposited in an escrow account at Meridian Title Corporation. <br /> The Escrow Agreement will provide a procedure for draws against the escrowed funds <br /> for expenses incurred by Care Hotels in making the types of improvements set forth <br /> herein. The escrowed funds will not be available to Care Hotels until Care Hotels has <br /> invested a minimum of Five Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5,700,000) of <br /> its own funds in the Building Improvements. A maximum of One Million Five <br /> Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000) shall be available from the escrowed funds <br /> until Care Hotels has rebranded the hotel as required by Section 2(d). Once the hotel <br /> meets the Qualified Hotel Brands requirement under the Section 2(d), all of the <br /> escrowed funds shall be available to Care Hotels pursuant to the Escrow Agreement. <br /> -2 - <br /> BDDBOI 90052150 <br />