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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Bend Cash Reserves Summary with is available in the City Clerk's Office. She went on, We have <br /> had a lot of good changes to it. It is emailed to you but it is going to give you a lot of answers to a <br /> lot of the questions you may have. We do talk about reserve requirements,why we have them and <br /> how we calculate them.The City of South Bend reserve requirements are set by us. They are based <br /> on best practices but I can actually assure you they are actually higher than industry standards. <br /> Most folks save a fifteen percent(15%)cash reserve in most funds.The City doesn't have anything <br /> really less than twenty-five percent (25%) cash reserve in any of our funds. So this report walks <br /> you through what it means to have cash reserves, why they are either there or the fund is negative, <br /> and then you can see on every single fund where we stand and what our actual cash balance is. <br /> Outstanding encumbrances or outstanding purchase orders are also reflected in this summary. A <br /> lot of the time we start the year and we will know we are going to spend$1,000 with Cintas. That <br /> is going to be our limit for the year so we put a purchase order in and that is called an encumbrance. <br /> So that sits out there even though we will eat away at it throughout the entire year, it goes on the <br /> beginning of the year. That is why we call out these outstanding encumbrances because it can <br /> sometimes skew the cash reserve a little by stating we don't actually have that money. We do, we <br /> are just going to spend it throughout the whole year. <br /> She went on, It also gives you our available cash, our reserve requirement and then it talks about <br /> the variance. Councilmember Broden brought it to our attention to call out those Funds every <br /> month that aren't meeting the cash reserve and so we did. We moved those up to the top so you <br /> don't even have to dig through to see if we are missing anything. We are calling it out and it is <br /> right here on the top. As far as deficit spending in the Funds that have come up, Parks is a great <br /> example of what is going on. So every year we do conservative budgets. We think we will get $1 <br /> million in from property taxes and we will spend it and then go to the next year. Typically, we <br /> don't want to come in and say we hope we will get $2 million and then only get$1 million. So we <br /> budget conservatively on the revenue and then we budget conservatively on our expenditures as <br /> well so we think we will spend$1 million but sometimes we might only spend$900,000. So at the <br /> end of the year we actually walk away with$100,000 and that goes into the cash balance and then <br /> we move onto the next year. But we've already budgeted conservatively for the next year so these <br /> cash reserves tend to pool up. In Parks you will see about a $2 million deficit spend in 2019 but <br /> you will see, too, at the bottom of the page (referencing the summary) we talk about these cash <br /> reserves. So we state our cash balance at the beginning of the year, what we intend to spend, our <br /> cash balance at the end of the year and then the line following that is our cash reserve requirement. <br /> She continued, You are going to see, for Parks, we don't follow that cash requirement because of <br /> what we've gotten in property taxes we haven't spent all of our budget so every year the money <br /> pools up. That allows us to do big projects every couple of years. This isn't normal as we typically <br /> try to do balanced budgets for Parks. We definitely have balanced budgets for the General Fund, <br /> COIT and EDIT and you will see that next week in our overview. Part of the reason you haven't <br /> received that overview yet is because we just received, last week, from the DLGF, finally, a very <br /> good estimate of what our Local Income Taxes (LIT)will be. Before that,they gave us all sorts of <br /> random numbers. Our team called the DLGF and spoke directly with their legal folks over there <br /> and they finally said the numbers that we have are appropriate. So next week, we will be able to <br /> bring you balanced budgets for those Funds. Hopefully this quick update encompasses answers to <br /> many of the questions that have been brought up over the past couple of weeks but I am happy to <br /> answer any other questions you might have now or later. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, Thank you for your update. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building;227W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 <br /> 2 <br />