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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> last five (5) years. We think things are working very well and have gotten good feedback from <br /> VPA and the City. I'm extremely pleased we are now extending to fifteen (15) years. That also <br /> works really well with our associations using aquariums and our accreditation timeline. <br /> Ms. Dean continued, So I just want to talk for a few minutes as to what the $3.7 million capital <br /> investment will cover. The first (1s) slide you will see here (referencing a presentation which is <br /> available in the City Clerk's Office) shows that it will be $2.2 million in deferred maintenance. So <br /> we are up for, in 2019, The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accreditation. For those of <br /> you familiar with that process, it is every five (5) years. So the last time we were accredited was <br /> 2014. It is also the first (lst) year that the Potawatomi Zoological Society (PZS) took over the <br /> management of the Zoo from a day-to-day perspective. We've had several different maintenance <br /> items pop up. I started talking to Aaron last summer and we came up with the idea of actually <br /> conducting a deferred maintenance audit. I brought in a team of professionals and they did several <br /> visits. We then came up with what this plan looks like and identified our needs and priorities as <br /> well as timeframes. The first (1st) priority items are absolutely necessary in order for us to get <br /> reaccredited next ye . <br /> Ms. Dean went on, I would like to highlight what a few of those things are. We first (1st) need to <br /> repave guest pathways. There are yellow lines for insurance purposes. We need new carnivore <br /> containment for the Leopard and the Lion and that means current standards per AZA. What that <br /> means the containment which is now iron or steel has to become SS-woven mesh. It is more visitor <br /> friendly and is sturdier. We have rust issues with the current containment. Rust issues can become <br /> bigger issues. A big chunk of the $2.2 million is devoted to that change. We will also have new <br /> roofs,new HVAC and electrical systems,new patron fence throughout the entire Zoo.We do know <br /> in our last accreditation in 2014 they called out our patron fencing. It was noted that if we don't <br /> change it before the next inspection that we will be citied for it. We also plan to have new animal <br /> containment all throughout the East Barn. That is our largest holding facility on the grounds and <br /> right now all of the exterior needs to be torn down and completely replaced. It is not safe <br /> containment. We also need to get new fencing through the Zoo farm. That is really just scratching <br /> the surface of things we need to do. <br /> Ms. Dean continued, We will literally touch every building with that $2.2 million between now <br /> and next June. Then, the Zoo entrance is important to note as well. I'm excited to announce that <br /> the first (1st) phase of that fifteen (15) year plan is underway in terms of planning and we are <br /> breaking ground this fall. The first (1st) phases of the front entrance project are funded through <br /> private dollars. It is a$3 million capital project. I call it a true community partnership because we <br /> are actually leveraging the$1.5 million in private funding we have raised as the first(1 sh phase so <br /> we are able to break ground. We also leveraged$450,000 in Regional Cities money. Welhave had <br /> a first (1st) landmark gift of$500,000 from a private family. That was huge for us. It is a true <br /> testament to us delivering on increasing the private capital and operational investment in the Zoo. <br /> The new entrance is designed to accommodate more guests per year and improve the flow. Since <br /> 2014, we have raised over$3.5 million in private funding for new capital projects. <br /> Ms. Dean went, The entrance will include ADA compliant bathrooms and thoroughfares, a new <br /> Point of Sale system, a new gift shop experience and we are doubling our education space. That is <br /> huge for us because right now we have one (1) education space. It is down front in the Learning <br /> Center and we are actually having to turn away birthday parties and cannot effectively provide <br /> educational programing in the manner of which we could with a second (2nd) facility. That will <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building J 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TM 574.235.5567 I <br /> 15 <br />