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Filed in Clerk's Office <br /> BILL NO. 18-47 SEP 0 5 2010 <br /> RESOLUTION NO. i RE Ef_IA_f F0JUVLER <br /> CITY CLERK,SOUTH SEND, IN <br /> A RESOLUTION MODIFYING AND RECONFIRMING THE ADOPTION OF <br /> DECLARATORY RESOLUTION NO. 4596-16 DESIGNATING CERTAIN <br /> AREAS WITHIN <br /> THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, COMMONLY KNOWN AS <br /> 3722 Foundation Ct, South Bend, IN 46628 <br /> AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREA FOR PURPOSES OF A <br /> FIVE (5) YEAR PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT FOR <br /> Imagineering Enterprises, Inc. <br /> WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend has adopted Declaratory <br /> Resolutions designating certain areas within the City as Economic Revitalization Areas for the <br /> purpose of tax abatement consideration. <br /> WHEREAS, Declaratory Resolution No. 4596-16 designated the area located at 3722 <br /> Foundation Ct., South Bend, IN 46601 and certain business personal property therein, as more <br /> specifically set forth in Declaratory Resolution No. 4596-16, which has Key Numbers to be <br /> assigned, as an Economic Revitalization Area under the provisions of Indiana Code 6-1.1-12.1 et <br /> seq., and South Bend Municipal Code Sections 2-76 et seq.; and <br /> WHEREAS, upon proper notice, a public hearing was held, after which the Common <br /> Council issued a Confirming Resolution No. 4597-16 confirming the adoption of a Declaratory <br /> Resolution No. 4596-16 on September 28, 2016; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Petitioner was granted a two-year designation period in the Confirming <br /> Resolution No. 4597-16, which will expire on September 13, 2018; however, the project will not <br /> be completed until September 2019. <br /> WHEREAS, the Petitioner has requested an additional one year to complete the project. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br /> Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br /> SECTION I. The Common Council hereby determines and finds that the extension of the <br /> designation is appropriate and meets the requirements of Indiana Code § 6-1.1-12.1 et seq. <br /> SECTION II. The Common Council hereby reconfirms its Declaratory Resolution No. 4596-16 <br />