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5 Criteria(per IC 36-7-4-603): <br /> 1. Comprehensive Plan: <br /> Policy Plan: <br /> Qfty Plan South Ben Indiana.November 2006 <br /> Objective ED 1: Stimulate the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of property in the city. <br /> Policy ED 1.2:Encourage reuse of abandoned and underutilized land and structures. <br /> This rezoning petition meets this economic development objective and policy. <br /> Land Use Plan: <br /> The future land use plan within City Plan identifies this site as mixed use. <br /> Plan Implementation/Other Plans: <br /> Northeast Neighborhood Deve o meet Area Plan.November 2003 <br /> Section V. Sub-.Area Strategies and Goals,D. St.Joseph Regional Medical Center <br /> Redevelopment Site. <br /> Redevelopment of this site was in response to the 2002 announcement that the hospital <br /> would be relocating. Although a specific use is not recommended within this plan, it states <br /> that any use should comply with the goals and objectives of the plan. <br /> 2. Current conditions and character: <br /> The former Family Dollar store is currently vacant. The surrounding land is under construction <br /> for St. Joseph High School. <br /> 3. Most desirable use: <br /> The most desirable use of the property would be a use that would be compatible with the adjacent <br /> development. <br /> 4. Conservation of property values: <br /> The surrounding property values should not be affected by the approval of rezoning since the <br /> proposed use is not a higher intensity use than its prior use as a retail store. Furthermore, the <br /> redevelopment of this prior brownfield site is a positive investment within the neighborhood and <br /> may act as a further catalyst for additional investment. <br /> 5. Responsible development and growth: <br /> It is responsible growth and development to allow for the redevelopment of a vacant property. <br /> Recommendation: <br /> Based on information available prior to the public hearing the staff recommends that this <br /> rezoning petition be sent to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation. <br /> Analyses: <br /> The redevelopment of this site to a zoning classification that matches the balance of the block will <br /> provide an opportunity for a compatible development to the high school. <br /> The City of South Bend Department of Public Works <br /> #2606-11 <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />