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240 � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> A motion yras �r�ude, sec,�nded anc� c�ulJr ca-rl�ied tnat the �ollo,v- � <br /> �n� letter cf com�rendation be sent �o Oi."icer� �lo�rd Zeller� and � <br /> Paul Thorla� : <br /> "'�le vrisn to conpli:r_ent �,Tou u�on t he e��cellent po1�ce t�:or?� <br /> z�ri�ich ;;ou �.id in connect 'on tiritl� the appre��ens-?on of thc �ur�lars <br /> of the f�raus Jet1relry Store on Januar�T 6, 1��9. �`:e ti�rere ;reatly <br /> pleaced Z�Yiti� the rlanner in �vhlch this t�dork ti�r as handi ed. :':e erere <br /> partic�larl f pleased to see tiie �pj 1;cat" on• oi mociern rolice rlethod� <br /> in tne a�pre?iens:ion of these cfiiminals. `i' c�er.ionstrates �rolzr <br /> abilit�r to apx�l�T �°ourself -�n police �=aorr, and to progress in t l�e <br /> serv-�ce oi t'_%e �vblic, rr <br /> FIRE DEPARTT:"�:�;T: Chief DeShceeSChO�r��er present. <br /> Chief �eVleescy o�rer �Jas a���L��or-�zed to rurc;:��se 200 f cet of <br /> three-quai�ter _Lnch rope. <br /> Applicat-�ons i or positions on t he Tire Department ti-rere received <br /> �'rom the fo11o���Ing an�. �dere ordered placed on i�le: " <br /> Stephen J. ��e��e 4ge �9 200G Fierzble l�venue ���'� <br /> Stanle� '�,. Le�ma Age 33 415 S. �aley Street�> ��' � <br /> Tneodore J. T�;iez�odski Age 26 1228 ��. ihomas Street ;- ' <br /> Len j<:::��n F. i�o'' l��e 32 1202 TT. Fremont Street r-��" <br /> S`;lvester �'�. ZZ�rierz;m�kiA�e 28 1825 �"d. S�nple Street �-.= <br /> Carl �ernard Lederer 11ge 3� 205 T�. �unnyside Street�:-�-� <br /> Josepr Iior�Tath A�e 28 121� I�T. Ll� Street = � '� <br /> John �?orr�er '��ilson 1��e �0 525 :�. rro�rd�^ray �- ' <br /> ?Iarold �.GrL�.m-�lell - ��e 34 3I0 �. Ec�nan Street' '- <br /> Ja�-nes Ecir.iond Scott A�e 22 902 N. Z��otre Da�.�e Ave.!�'--' <br /> �u�h �lndrevr ���i:rLset�L �ge �1 921 T�. �rilb�r Street�_-<< <br /> Anthon;� I�. Gadacz n�e �G 62G S. Gr�nt Street : <br /> tiincent J. Simeri P.�e 2� 535 T�1. �-:ill Street -' <br /> Steven To�olak �ge �5 2514 �'rast LltiTU. ; -:=' <br /> On �ot�on �.ade ��T Cl�de �'���11��r1s, and seconded b?T ?�arr?- Dr�"�s <br /> and dul� carr�ed, �.r c follol^fin� officer� of t.ic �,�re �erart��ent <br /> �yere re�uced to t�:e rank of Frivate : <br /> Pa_ul ��egner, �?le� rrederick, Jesse t,r;rant, Plo�;d Stoner, <br /> Ernest �ecker, C�iarles �,ldr��ch, Joserh�urz�,�ns?�i, Lenjarsin <br /> 'rla�;ner and 11rtl�Llr �ro;^�n. <br /> Captaln L�rl Rupe vras demoted to t'ie rank of Liet�tenant. � <br /> T�,e f ollo��ain� men !^r erc prolnotecl to t he rank of Cartain: <br /> Artrur �o�,rard, Ge�rbe Kasa, 17arr�- �?eier�ann, Cr�rles �?t?pe, <br /> �?enr�; p�'uriC?lA Jr� and John ;�enr�. � <br /> T�.e fo�lo��:in� �?en �;ere :;ro_Loted to tl�e ran�: of Liet{ten«r_t: <br /> Au�,»st I�r�sze��rs?ri, Geor�e �y�tucki, ?':'illi�,r� Putz, Llo�-d �obinson <br /> ��enr;; Re�;ard, ��o�.1ir Perlr;n�, r'ra�?, Lo�;an, Step'�en uuz;clri �nd <br /> i red :::�Ter,. � <br /> 1he above pro�otions und �e�ot�_on� sl�all re effective as of <br /> Janu��.r�� 16, 1939. T're Chief is _nstructEd to r.lalre �LZCh re-a��i�nr.lents <br /> as are necessar;� to inainta�n eificient operat_on ��f tl�e �epart�ent. <br /> U?�on motion duly made, seconded and ca--�r•iec�, certain matter� of <br /> polic�T in eonnection �� ith the conduct of fire-n.;en �•�ere ado�ted as are <br /> ir_c�icated in the follova'r��; not�ice to a�.l captair�� and_ l�eutenunts of <br /> the ��ire Denart.ner_t: <br /> "It ?�as been cai_led �Lo the attent�on ef the i�oar� of <br /> Safet�T t����Lt some of t'�e ,;?e;��bers cf t?�_e �'ire Depart�ent rave, <br /> on occas�nns, co:ne on �:uty ���'le L�nr'�er the influence of �n- <br /> toxicat�n� 1ioi�or anci tr�st on o�her occas_ons r�en l�at�%e taLen <br /> of alcohol�c beverages d�rhile on caut��. � <br /> "i��e�e Fracticcs are absol�tei;- ^roh-��ited b;; �he Board <br /> of SafetS- anc' if indul�ed -in, ���ill+re�ult _n ':�L.:edi�.te :u�pen�ion <br /> or �; sm;ss«� . <br />