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�35 <br /> Notre Dame. These activities are in the public interest and police of- <br /> ficers may be given permissi:on by tue chief of police to act in tnat <br /> ccnnectior� For pa,y, �roviding auch activity does nct interfer� with <br /> their regular duties on the department. <br /> "Until other means are devised to g�t the informa�tion contained in <br /> this letter te the officer�, we request that you see that the instruc- <br /> tions ef this letter, insofar as it pertains to the golice officers, <br /> be read at each roll call, so tnat the officer� may become thorou�hly <br /> acquainted with tne wishes oP theBoard. <br /> "In closing, ner��t us to �extend our sincere appreciation for your <br /> fine co-operation which you have extended to us as the incoming Board <br /> of Safety and to wish you happiness and success in the future. <br /> "Respectfully yours, <br /> George id. Beamer, Ch�irman (si�ned} <br /> Harry S. Driggs (signed) <br /> Clyde E. ti°�illiams (signed} <br /> Board of Public Safetyt' <br /> U�on resolution duly made, seconded and carried, the fol�owing <br /> nc�tice was sent to all desk sergeants: <br /> "NOTTCE TO �iLL DESK SERGEAIITS: <br /> "At the �irst meeting of the Bonrd oP Safety of the City of <br /> South Bend, Indiana, held on Janu�ry 2, 1939, the following policy <br /> was adonted: <br /> t'Bondsmen sY�11 not be permitted in the City Hall exce�t on call. <br /> "NO solicitatien of bonds �.vill be permitted in the Police Station <br /> or in the City Hall. <br /> 'TNo members- of the Police Department will be permitted to call <br /> any bondsman or attorney except at th� specific request of a defendant. <br /> "Any defendant, when booked (exce�t when bookea for inv�stigation) <br /> shall be given the opportunity oP calling his attcrney or br..ndsman �uho <br /> will be permitted to c:nfer with tne defendant on call. . � <br /> �� "No member of the PaliceDepartment shall be perrlitted to call any <br /> attorney to renresent a defencl�nt unless thut attorne� has been desig- <br /> nated by the defendant himself. <br /> "1�e ex�ect this order to be strietly �nfc�rced �nd will hold all <br /> Desk Ser�eants responsible for seeing thet this crder is carri�d out. <br /> r'George N. Be�xner, Chairman (signed} <br /> Clyde E. ;Nilliams (si�ned) <br /> H. S. Dri (signed) <br /> � BOhRD OF '�i3LIC �tiF�1'Y" <br /> r�eeting ad jaurned �t 1:00 P.I��. <br /> ai an <br /> ATTEST: � Clerk <br />