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REGULAR MEETING August 13, 2018 <br /> Mr. Daigle responded that as this plan is in the initial stages, neither the City or County Councils <br /> have been contacted. He stated that the majority of the plan should be completed by the end of the <br /> year. An economic analysis and cost-benefit ratio could then be drawn up which would allow for <br /> further discussion with the City and County Councils. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked if a meeting could be set up to meet with the Council within the next <br /> few weeks. <br /> Mr. Daigle stated that he would be happy to meet with anyone from the Council in the next few <br /> weeks. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked Mike Noland what his role in reaching out to the City Council has <br /> been. <br /> Mr. Noland stated that stakeholder input had been put on hold while the City looked into more <br /> options for the project. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked, In my said that you want to either still use our <br /> west side option...? <br /> Mr.Noland stated that an environmental study of the area west of Ardmore had been done in 2008. <br /> Funding had been assembled for the study but not to construct the project. Mr. Noland stated, We <br /> came back around this time but with a number of changes that we thought would preclude that, so <br /> initially we didn't take a look at it. We think it's viable again and has less disruption, so we would <br /> put it back on the plate. Once we start the environmental process, we expect to be engaged with <br /> the community, with the Council, with the City,with the airport, with the County, as well. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked if airport representatives could meet with the Council in the next few <br /> weeks. <br /> Mr. Noland stated that he would love to do so. <br /> Councilmember Davis asked Council Attorney Bob Palmer if the Council would effectively be the <br /> last in line to approve the budget for this project, to which Mr. Palmer responded yes. <br /> Councilmember Davis expressed concern that if that is the case, on the occasion that the Council <br /> rejects a proposed budget for the South Shore project, the whole process would have to restart <br /> again. Mr. Palmer stated that asking for meetings prior to any budget hearings would go a long <br /> way toward helping avoid that. Councilmember Davis recommended that every party relevant to <br /> the South Shore project should convene for a meeting with the Council at the same time during <br /> the 2019 budget process and Councilmember Tim Scott stated that he would help facilitate that. <br /> Councilmember John Voorde stated that he is favor of a downtown option but is especially in favor <br /> of development on the west side of the airport and the industrial possibilities it could bring. <br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic thanked the presenters and stated that he is excited about the <br /> possibility of a downtown station. <br /> Councilmember Karen White asked Mayor Buttigieg if he could provide for the Council the list <br /> of lingering questions he referenced earlier in the evening and the answers to those questions as <br /> they are discovered. <br /> Mayor Buttigieg agreed to do so. <br /> Councilmember White asked that the results of any study be forwarded to the Council as well to <br /> help inform their decisions in the future. Councilmember White stated that she was having trouble <br /> wrapping her mind around the increase of the projected municipal contribution from $25,000,000 <br /> to $100,000,000,adding that every citizen of the City needs to have a say-so in this matter and that <br /> there needs to be greater transparency going forward. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston stated that there is a need for greater discussion regarding the <br /> possibility of the Honeywell station location, as it could potentially open access to several <br /> important economic corridors including Western Avenue and the Lincoln Way corridor. She <br /> stated, I really want to have a robust discussion about what that would mean for economic impact <br /> 4 <br />