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� /� . <br /> ... <br /> P�lIi��`1'i1�G ;�t�t. 1.9, 19�8 <br /> �tegular r�eetin; of the Board of Public �afety �Nas hel� �on P��ior�c�a_y, �ept . <br /> �9, a_t 8: 45 ��. P�2.� xll member� tivere �resent. <br /> ��,iinutes of ±.he ;�revious meetin�� were read and a;�?�roved. C1 Gims fro�� <br /> tne�'ollo�.�rinr; suppliers in tne amount of �'255. c0 �!�ere �n�?rovEd ��nd or�ered <br /> raid. Al�o pz;�roll of the various departm�nts for th�: l�st h�.lf of Sente�- <br /> ?�er er.lountin� to �:<1, 799.10. <br /> Incaiana Bell Telephone Co. 1.00 Indi�2�:. Lurlber � 1,'ifg. Co. 24. 2� <br /> ri. k.� �`�hitrner � 9.87 �t . Jo�erh� � riosp.ital 5.00 <br /> Hibberd Printing Co. 17.50 Ohio Che�nicsl � i����, Co. 7. 27 <br /> `��^�'illette Service �tation �7..99 Con,solid�ted Text.-i.I.e <br /> Born�a.rc�ner nl�fg, Co. 4. ?0 Prominent Speci�lt;y Co. I4.�35 <br /> '!:�7ine Sa.fety Ap��liance Co. 4.97 Paul �-. �tr��ub �.00 <br /> Peltz=l£au?'er Co. 1. 65 Cit�r �';�ater �jti�crks �. .4_5 <br /> Busin �s ss Sys�tems, Ine. 1.10 Cit y �'�ater ���ior��c 8. �0 <br /> A. L�.���av�`l�e, ` .� y , . 1.55 I, '�`�. Lo�°�Ter Com�any 1. 55 <br /> Builder' � Store, Inc: , I.35 I. '�':'. Lo�cer Comp`ny . 70 <br /> The n��7cCaffery Co. �.�6 Radi� r�ititr•ibutin�� Co. �4. 4� <br /> :;cherman-Schaus-FrF�em�r? Co. 17.91 <br /> F'IhF. DLPf�RTTw�Eiv2' - Ch�ef Freeh present : <br /> Tne F'ire Chief' submitted a netit�on sioned by a cor.sicerable nUnlber of <br /> resiuents ir_ tre vicinity oi' Phillippa and 1ndi�.na �'�venues, recue::tin� <br /> th�+t a fire box be instal_1:.=d at thaf; intersEetion f'or their ecnvenic�nce. . <br /> 1!.fter discussing the matt�r �^��ith the Chief', the Boarc7 ordered. th�_s bo� <br /> inst��Iled if' f'und;� �:re avail�ble in the budeet. <br /> The C��iief reciuestec� thE privile�e of bu;�in�� at once the G11ottEd_ <br /> � fire hose �'or the ye�.r. It was fovnd that a�,�-ro,im.�tely 10a0 S'eet could <br /> be �urch��sed v�ith the fl�ncs �_v�.ilable in the budE;et and t}.e nurchase <br /> �����.s orderec', accerdin�ly. <br /> ��_pplicat�ion for � positior_ on tne �ire Denartr:!ent z-,ras sub�r!itted b;� <br /> ilec? P�L�xe,y anc. oz•dere� placed on �'ile. <br /> Dr. R. ti�. Sperirer �ubmitted a re�ort of e�:a�inatiori of C. C, i�,�ic�ienry <br /> who v��Gs in jured v�hile �oin� to a fire. Tnis w�s ordered nl��.ced on file <br /> �nd' the Clerk or•c�ered to p23r the ch�r�es. <br /> FL�CTRIC�,I, D�P�kTT�irivT - P,�r. �,ua11s preser_t. <br /> TJlatters pertGining to the oper�:tion of the Electrical De?��.r.tment v�ere <br /> Ci1�CUSSE'd �'�d1.f,i1 i':�I'. (�U^c,�ZS, <br /> POLIG�, DI;P�RT��:"Eiv`I' - Crlief Lane present: , <br /> The Chief subr�itted a re�ort o�' the activities o�' tiie Fclice L'epFtrt- <br /> ment over the v�eek-end which is ordered placed on file. <br /> Cit,y Traf'�'ic Fndirieer T.�i11er infozrr_ed the Board tnat automatic f1Gsh- <br /> er :ignals had been installec3. on Birdsell it�eet at the- �outh �Yiore r•ail- <br /> v,-ay tracks anci th�!t he reco�t�mended that pUrkin�; be elir:,�inated an the �r�est <br /> :;ice o�' Birdsell Street frcni {.he trac?�� north t� Oran�;e, �nd or tne east <br /> �ice of Birdsell Street fror_� the tracY; �outh a ci�tance o#' 80 f'eet ; �l- <br /> �c tr?�t s.ton lines should be pai�ted on tne pave�:�ert �bout 5 �'eet back : <br /> �'rom tne si�n�l 2.rm. The Bo��r•da�ncurred in thi� r•ecor.?raend�tian ��rci or- <br /> c�cr�;d tha.t s�.r:le be ca.rried out. <br /> � comrrur_ic��.tion ti��-�s received from the riook Druc; Comp�a.ny, dskin� �;hat <br /> a bus loadirl� zone be estGblished at t:�e curb ori Colf�.s t_venue nortil of <br /> their• nevl store. This matt�;r havir� been investigated �y Tr�:fi'ic L-ngin- <br /> eer tiiiller� re made tt.e renort that this ti^+ould be impructical f°ro�r�. trie <br /> .t�.r_dpoint o�' �af'et f, narticul�-.rly for the reason that bus ]_oadir_g at <br /> the curb v�roul� me��r a lef't turn north on to i��ichi��n .�.'.treet to cro:.�s <br /> throu�h traffic, end�:n�eriri� lives and �rc�pert�r �,nd inviting accic?ents. <br /> Ne x•econ�r.ended that this reque�t be not gr�nted Gnd the Bo�rd concurred� <br /> �ivir��; instructions thUt the Hook Lrug Car�x�zs�.y be notified. <br />