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210 � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> NI��,TriuG 11u�_tz;t 2�,. 1938 ��'t <br /> � <br /> Regula.r meetin{; of the Board of' Public Safety �tias held a.t 8: ��5 ti.1l�I. <br /> Pror_day, Au�ust 2,2, 1��8. All members were present. <br /> Claim� from the followin� Guppliers in t�ie 2mount o�' �'315.g6 v�ere <br /> a.pproved and ordered paic3: <br /> Duley Prir_ting Co. 4i� 9. 73 Indiana � l��Jallpaper Co. �. 18.50 <br /> G. I'irrlin' s Elcc. Spec. 24.CI0 KrGmer Brothers 25.0� <br /> Peltz-K�ufer �o. Inc. 4. 5� Lyle Si�ms, Inc. 11.8U <br /> Peltz-�£�.ufer Co. Inc. 17.Oa Recre�tion ��quipment Compzny 2,.55 <br /> Distribu.ting Co. 5.55 Tyler TirE cc; Service �t�tior 15.48 <br /> R�dio Distributin� Co. 2. 55 Haro�c� A. lNhitmer 1.50.C�0 <br /> Sv:rarison �,ervice Co. 10. 2,8 ��"uillette vervice �t��iion 18.95 <br /> FIFiE DEPA�Ti��iEi1T - Ct?ief F'reeh �oresent: <br /> P,2atters roert�inin� to the o�eration of the Fire liepartrrlent v,�ere dis- <br /> cu�sed with the Chief. <br /> The Chief rel�ortec th�t Capt. Ralph hoberts hsd not reported for �uty <br /> at th� expir�.tion of his 60-day le�ve of sbsence on fiugust I9th, ��nd the <br /> EoGrd. therefore ordere� tha.t Capt. Roberts be taken off the payroll, althoUgh <br /> his leave of absence vtiT�s extenc�ed temporarily. <br /> r�I,LCTRICA_L DEP�_kTl�'iF��T - Pllr. 6?u�ills present: <br /> Niatters pertaining to the oper<<tion o�' the Electz•ical Dep�rtrnE:nt �vere <br /> ciscussed v��i th Mr. �ualls. <br /> POLIC'r, DEPl�.RTT�it�LVT - Chief' Lane pre:�ent: <br /> Continuat,ion Certificates covering surety boncs of the following police <br /> of�'icer� were approve� by the Board ancl f'iled. vritict the original bond: <br /> L. N. �'Jert, Gustave :�chuttro�ti�, �nd F'red F. Miller. <br /> A com?nunic�tion ti�Jas receivEd from the StFite Hi�way Commission at <br /> LaPorte, �dvising that an agreF:ment had been reuched betvreen the interest- <br /> ed parties in the ��r'hiteman Brothers building at P�ich��.n and Bron�on <br /> Streets and. that tne Commission had permitted a. lo�ding zone beginning <br /> 44 feet south of tiie �outh line of the sidewalk on B�ror.son Street �o an <br /> alley 135 1'eet south of Bronson Street, for the purl;o[e of loading and <br /> unlo�.ding smull. quantities, izcorporatir_� in the agreernent th�t if the <br /> �bove reeuire�ents are not adhered to the priviledge vvill nece.�arily <br /> have to be retr�cted by t�ie Commis�ion. <br /> R�r. Burns of the ��ueight� and 114easures Department sub�nitted his re- <br /> port of the activitie;s of his Depar�nt for the week endin� August 22�id <br /> shovuing 2,53 inspections made. <br /> r:�r. Burn� reported the arrest of' Fred Grant , proprietor of the Mar- <br /> �uette Grocery at 1541 Port�ge 1�.vEr.ue, char�,ir.g him crrith snort v.�zi�ht oP <br /> suga.r and coffee. Mr. Grant plead guilty and Vras fined ��10.QO �nd co�ts. <br /> 1�n application fr�m Robert Lee �ilber•t for t�e Police Deuartrlent was <br /> received ar.d placed on file. � <br /> Meeting ��ned at 10: �f� k, i��I. <br /> � ��t <br /> Ch ai rni an <br /> �`�TTEST: � C1 erk <br /> ADD�1VliA <br /> � Application for a po:�ition on tne �'ire Depart�ment was filed by t'irnold <br /> Harri s Mar_ual. <br />