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162 � <br /> PJiEE'TING Januar.y 10, 19�8 � <br /> Re� meeting of the Bo�rd of Public Safety v:�as held on I�ion- � <br /> day, January 10, 1938, at 9:00 �.ivi, 1�I1 members v�ere present. <br /> The mir_u+es of the prev�ous meetin�; i�;ere read and an?�roved. <br /> CZ�im� i:n the �mount of �499. 2.2 frorn the follov;in� supp�iers <br /> u�ere annroved. The pa.yroll of the various depa.rtrr�ents and the Board <br /> of' S�fety amaunting to a;:21,81'7.97 v�as approved and ordered paid. <br /> G. 0. Thurn � 50.00 So. Bend Xray Lab. �; 7.�0 <br /> Patrick Burns 2.19 J.I. Holcor�b ��ifg, Co, 9._7fi <br /> ti"��estern Union Tele. Co. .54 Healy Sign Co. 4.OQ <br /> Artcraft Printers 12. 75 North.Ind. �ublic Serv. Co. 1.Q0 <br /> Radia Distributing Co. 15.I5 i�?orth.�nd. Fublic �erv. Co. 31.76 <br /> Gill-�TOrn Chev. Inc. 65. ?9 Trustees for: <br /> Gill-tiTOrn Chev. Inc. 74.�I �dv:rard� Iron ti`�orks 1.08 <br /> 1��iill.ette Serv. Station 1.50 uchuyler Rose 3. 25 <br /> 1�'�illette Serv. Station �0.00 So. �'end Janitor Supply Co. 2.95 <br /> Tyler Tixe & Serv. Co. 40.38 V'Y. � L. J. Gurley 2. 28 <br /> �lick-Ideal Laundries 6.93 Ttasco Alloy co. 123. 30 <br /> �o. Bend �ray L�b. 10.00 So. Ben d �lec. �o. 3.85 <br /> FIRE DEPI�RZTJ�ENT - Chief Freeh present: <br /> A cor,�mur.ication t�ras submitted to �he Board from the 'Fire Depart- <br /> ment �hysician, Dr. Thos. D. Pauszek, statinc that Mr. Clyde Lerbe, a <br /> fireman, should be tal�en off of active duty bec4use of the fact tn�t <br /> he h�s been a.fflicted with a coronar� sclerosis. Action on t}�is mat- <br /> te�� tnTas oostponed until the next meeting of tne Board. <br /> The Chief stated tha t he ��ras much in need of blankets for fire- <br /> ?�er_ i�2 various stations and reauested perrsission to purchase one doz- <br /> en, ��-hich ���as granted. Ne al�o c�lled atten�ion to necessary repairs <br /> to gas masks and ���as given nermission to these repairs. <br /> The Chief' reported th�zt Henry Backgren, �'ireman, v��ho v:Tati placed <br /> on duty on probation on July lst had condueted him�elf in a mGnrer rec- <br /> omi.nenning vermanent em?�Iayme�t in t.1e Fire Lepartm�nt. Upon re�lar <br /> rnotion, seconded and carried, Henry Backgren ?�<as p]:a.'ced on the re�ul�r <br /> roll �ti�ith full pay on January l, 1938. <br /> �?�nlication for a nositior_ on the Fire �epu�ment ��:as received from <br /> Fd�^��inMalino��:ski,., and v.-as ordered nlaced or� file. <br /> �ue to a vacanc,y created by placin� Clyde 'Lerbe on pen�.ion, the <br /> Board a�nointed Cleon C. Fox as a member of the Fire Dep�rtment on _pro- <br /> bation for six mor_ths subject to �ssignment b,y the Chie�' of the �'ire <br /> Dep2_rtment to be�in duty J'anu�_ry 16, 1938. <br /> ELECTRICAL DEPAR`I'I�IIlUT - T�llr, �tu�lls present: � <br /> T4�iatters perta_ining to the operation of . the Electrical Lepaxtment <br /> v,�ere discussed vaith P�IIr. Cualls. <br /> POLIC�' DEPARTTv2E1VT - Chie�' Lane Aresent: <br /> The Chi�ef submitted the ar_n�al report of' the activities in the <br /> Police Department for 1837, shoj��-ing offenses as compared �ti�ith the last <br /> 8 ,years and arrests for the same period. This repart is on file ir_ the <br /> office of t�e Board of Public Safety. <br /> Dr. Thom2s D. Pauszek advi�ed the Board in a communic�tion that <br /> Officer Hammer ta�as afflicted v��ith a coronary scl.erosis and that he <br /> should. be rolaced on pensior. Definite action reg�_rdin� this matter <br /> vtTas postponed until the next meeting of the Board. <br /> Communications �,tiere received from V:. �. Gun�eck �nd 1',�.K. Stude- <br /> bak�r recommending the services of F.L. Koloszar as a police o�'ficer. <br /> These cammunicatior_s were ordered �la.ced on fiZe. <br /> The Chief reported that afiicer kichard Stickley v;•ho t^�as em�loyed <br /> on the Police fores or� July 15, Z937, h=�d served in a satisz'actory man- <br /> ner as a police of�'icer and recommended that he be �1�._ced on permane�t <br /> payroll on January 16, 1,938, at the end of nis six months' Arobz,tion <br /> beriad. Uuon regulsr motion, seconded and carr.ied, tnis 8�'ficer �ras <br /> placed on the regula_r roll a.ccordingly. <br />