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��-'' ��A <br /> �- �� <br /> L��.:, ��ZEETIi1G Ja.nuar.y �, 1938 <br /> �� ' Re�ulaY• .meeting of the Board of Pubiic :�:fet,y ti�.as held �J:ond�y r.�orni�g, <br /> �J�anuary °, 1��8, at 9:00 A. Ivi. All members titiere nresent. P.Finutes of the <br /> previous r�eetin� ti+rere read and approved: C1�ims f'ror� the follov:in� sup�liers <br /> in the omount of�4,026.01 v�ere Gpnroved and ordered naid. <br /> G. �. ThUrn .;: �. 75 Scherman-Sch�us -Freem�n Co. �4000.00 <br /> Business �ystemc, Inc. 1^.06 Indiana � iy�ichi�.�n Elec. Co. 10. 20 <br /> ELECTRICI�L DEP��RTIvIErdT - ?�l�r. �,u�_ll� present: <br /> ?�r. 6'�ua11s subr�.itted the report of tne Police F.adia �tatior operations <br /> r December, cop,y of �hich v��as '�'vr�.ished each member .07 the Board �nd a capy <br /> aced onfile. <br /> �IRE DEPAkTT�J:�1T - C�Iief Freeh present: <br /> The Ci�ief sub�itted an �nnual renort of' the opera.tians of the Fire Lenart- <br /> ment for the ,year 19�7, shox�ing the r_umber of per�on� burned or ir.jured; number <br /> of alar-ms received; number of' runs m�de by each �ors�any, and other de�ailed in- <br /> fOliil�tlOri� Z�;hich re�ort is on file in the office of tne Board of Safety. The <br /> Chief renorted � sli�ht accident to a ear operated by 7o�^.-ard LeFollette, �n em- <br /> nloyee of the Studebaker Corporation, or �ec. `Oth caused b;,� trie A_s�t. F'ire <br /> C?�i ef's car, and stated tha.t arrangements ha� been made ti°rith the Cit,y �'sater U''orks <br /> to repair the dam�e a.t their garage. <br /> POLIC� DEP�RTi44F:NT - Chief Lane present: <br /> � rebort �ubriitted by the Accider.t Prevertian Bureau, �no���in�; a comnlete <br /> record of t,heir operations for tne month of December v��as submitted and a <br /> copy furni�hed each mernber of the Board and � copy nlaced onfile in the of- <br /> fice of the Board of Public Safety. hn an�lication for a �osition ir the <br /> Police Dep�_rtment v��as received fror:i Paul �:. Hel�ick �r.d t�yordercSnlaced or <br /> file. The C�ief' submitted 2. resolutior of the South Bend Com*nor� Council, <br /> authorizir_� the occupation of tne Stree�s by the Knights of Columbus for <br /> the �urt�oceof rr�fflir_� an �utomobile, and. outlir_ing certain da_tes v��hen this <br /> automobile mGy be ci�nlz.yed. The Board, �fter caref>>Il,y considerin� �his <br /> matter, d.eci�ed that +•heir juri�diction of n�rking nrivileges on State �i�h- <br /> v�Gys v.�itnin the City. �n�as t�ken over on J�nuary 1 and directed the Clerk to <br /> com_,�Luricate V'r1`•?� �he Knights of �olur:ibus and in�'orr.� �nem th�t their, nermis- <br /> �zon for this occupancy must be secured from tne Sta.te i�ighz°ra�r Corum�ission <br /> for �,.ry dztes �.fter January 1, 19�•8. <br /> The Board di�cussed �^:itn Judge �ver,y �nd L��rs. Ta?Tlor the operation of. the <br /> Cafeteria Court �fter v��hich it �r;as re�ularly moved, seconded and cPrr.ied �:hat <br /> a11 fines ir. the Cafeteria �ourt sh�llhereafter be n�id directly +o �?nd in +he <br /> office of the City Clerk to t�ke effect �.s of Januar�%. �, 19�8. <br /> l^,�IGHTS & r,�EASUF'ES - ��,�r. Burns present: <br /> n��r. Burns submitted a re�ort of the oper�.tions of hi� denartment for t�he <br /> ueek endir_� Dec. ?lst, shov;ing <^_28 inspections made. This re�ort is on file in <br /> the office of the Board of Public Safety. <br /> The meetirg adjourned �t 11:OQ A. M. <br /> ADDEND� - � <br /> � <br /> � Chai an <br /> �`�TTFST: k <br /> �!DDENDA - . <br /> �,,�r�. Taylor, City Clerk, submitted a cop�T of a resolution UGssed by the <br /> City CommonCouncil oni:�onday Dec. 27,, reouestin� ti�at the G�and Trunk Railroad <br /> install fla_sners at Greenla��,n Avenue crossing. The C1erk :•:�� instructed to <br /> reauest the Railro�d to�o so. <br />