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113� � <br /> ELLCTRIC�±7� DFP��RTi�2Et�T'T' - iilr. �, present: <br /> r���atters ?�ert�ining to the operation of' the Electricul Departy�ent <br /> t�.-ere discussed tivith il�r. �u�lls ar.d he advised the Bo�.rd th�_t tne <br /> inst�:llation of ne��; sign�_ls at Lincoln �'�ay t'��est and 1'Yilli��.ms StreeL <br /> vvould ne cora�leted ti^ritnin the nex�t i'esr� days. <br /> I�,Zr. �rnest H. I:Tiller, City Tr��:'iic :rsigineer, recor�miencled that <br /> the o�Ternead tr�z�'fic sign�l a.t Ironv��ood Drive and Je�'ferson Boulevard <br /> be discontinued, due to tne fact tn�t 46;0 oi t:ie �ccidents �t this <br /> intersec�ion %�ere right angle collisions and that the traffic �rolume <br /> ner nour is no� su�'�'icien� to justify cor�tinuance o�' this signal. <br /> lfter discussing tne raa_�ter v:ith ��ir. �,ualls, it v�as re�ul��rly mo�-ed, <br /> seconded and c�rried that this overne�d sign��l be taken dovn �nd th<<t <br /> sto� signs be placed at the southe�:s� and rorth�4est corners of this <br /> intersect:ion. <br /> PULIC}�� DF.PrrTPt�::vT - lsssist�nt Chief. Diedrich pr�sent: <br /> I��Iatters pertainin� to tne oper�.tion o� the Police Deprrtment <br /> v:�ere discussed t�vith the ��ssistant Chief. <br /> The Board authoriz:�d �ne reneti�•�1 0�' TJ�otary ?'ublic cornznission <br /> in favor of Karl R. St:�ith, police otf'icer in tne Detecti�re Bure�iu. <br /> The Traffic Bureau sub:nitted r�onthly report for i�;T�y of tne <br /> opera.tion of that dep�?rt��ient, copy of wnicn v�as furnisned to the <br /> members of the Board. This report is on file in the ofsice of the <br /> Board of Public Safety. <br /> Of�'icer i�2ille.r re?�orted h�_ving investig�.ted condition at the <br /> intersec�ion of V��oo�v.ard rvenue �na �;udson Avenue an.d recor.�ended <br /> tha� t:�e shrubbery at tne nort:�e�:st corner and �lso tne shrubY�ery at <br /> the soutn�^�est corner oe removed or trimrned. Tne Cler� U�as instructed <br /> to direct a comL�unication to the tenants' to h.ave this done irrLmedia+el;�r. <br /> Officer T:�iiller reported h�:ving investigated recuest of residents <br /> on East Jeiferso:� Boulevard for a ivhite center line and sug�-estea tnat <br /> this night be helnful to li.otorists, but in view of e�cessive amount of , <br /> o�her painting t�zat it be postponea ior tne ti�e bein�. The Board <br /> concurred. <br /> Officer i:;iller reco?;u�iended t�at s large tree bet:�feen the <br /> s.nd curb at tne southeast corner of St. Louis Boulevard and Jef�erson <br /> Boulevard be �tri�:�ed. The Clerk v�,%as c�irected to notify tne ov.mer of <br /> the ?�ro�erty �o have this dor.e. <br /> Officer ir,iller renorted �n�it com� t^.�ere bein� received by <br /> residen�s in the vici_n_ity of 2226 Viest ti'ia.shington Stree�, complaining <br /> that shrubber;r obstructs visibility. The Clerk �•v�s instructed to <br /> noti�'y residents _to have tnis trimmed or removed. <br /> Of"icer ?,�iller reco�mended that t:�e curb on b�tn sides o�' Taylor <br /> Street south f'rom Vaashington be �ainted orange for � dis�_=�nce of tnirty <br /> z'eet to create better visibili�y at tnis intersection. The Bourd <br /> concurred and 0�'ficer !��Ziller t;�as instructea to have this done. <br /> The Board anproved special nolice comriission in favor of Edward J. <br /> Luther v�hile employed as s�ecial police oificer at the Edti:rards Iron <br /> �tiorks. Surety bond wGs �'urnished. <br /> The Board �p�roved s�eciGl noli�e com.mission in favor of F'red A. <br /> HGsnilton v,�hile actin� as a �erchant nolice�an. Surety bond w�s furnished. <br /> �"�EIGHTS & 17�SUR�S DEP�:F.T�;rFi1T - ��:�r. Bu rn s �re s ent: <br /> Cha.rles Bur�s submittea his repor� ior tne t•:-ee2 ending June 5th, <br /> shoti+ring 418 inspections :Zade. 1'his report is on file in the office o1' <br /> the Bo�.rd o�' Public Snfety. <br /> , `1'he meeting ad journed at 10: 50 ��, i�,i. <br /> G��� <br /> Ch a i r^n?n <br /> AZ�T:�ST: Cl e rk <br />