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��� <br /> ME�-'TING June l, 1937 <br /> Regular meeting of tne Board of Public Safety was held on Tuesday, <br /> June 1, 1937, at 8: 45 ��. I��I. TJIr. 1P�oodward was absent. <br /> Pdinutes of the �revious meeting tivere read and approved. <br /> Requisitions in the Police Department numbers 6Z6 to 634 and in <br /> the Fire Department numbers 03730 to 03739 , inclusive, were apuroved. <br /> Cl.aims in the amount of wo34.15, from the followin� sunpliers, x-ere <br /> approved and ordered paid. <br /> Hibberd Printing Co. �3.50 The Gibson Co. �7.09 <br /> The Reliance Pharmacy 2.19 �'�eisberger Bras. 20.83 <br /> Business Systems, Inc. 14.85 Consolidated Textile Ind, a3.12 <br /> Indiana State Prison 509.11 Scherman-Schaus-Freeman Co. S.OU <br /> Amer. LaFrance 8; Foamite 1.01 General Sheet P�4etal �`uorks 22.25 <br /> So. Bend Av��ing Co. 5. 20 <br /> FIRE Dr;PARZ'TJIE�itT - Chief Freeh present: <br /> rJlatters pertaining to the operation of the Fire Department <br /> �tirere discussed with the Chief'. <br /> ELECTRIC.AL Dr�'�TI�JZ�iVT - ��Ir. �,ualls present: <br /> Matters nertaining �o the operation of' the Electrical Uepart�nent <br /> ���ere discussed zrvith iVlr. �ualls. <br /> POLICE DE�'l�RTPU7EI�T - Chief Lane nresent: <br /> l�.ratters pertaining to the operation of tne Police Department were <br /> discussed v��ith the Chief. <br /> C�mrsunication �'rom TJIrs. Herman L. Nev��some, 1029 Hudson �venue, v�as <br /> read, recuesting that shrubbery at the northeast corner of Hudson and <br /> V4�oodward Avenues be either removed or triLnmed, as at the present time <br /> it ���as a sufety hazard. The matter vaas referred to Of�'icer Tsiiller for <br /> investig�:tion and recoinmendation. <br /> Residents on East Jeff erson Street from Eddy Street east requested <br /> that a center line be pair_ted on tne boulevard, as at the present tirne <br /> this bei�g C_ street v�,�itn an S curve it is very da�igerous to traffic. <br /> The matter �vas referred to 0�'ficer T.Ziller for investi��tion and <br /> recorr�.mendation. <br /> The question o�' supvlying men to put up the net�a parking regulation <br /> signs ���as reierred to the Street �epartrner.z �^rho are to coo�erate ivith <br /> 0�'�icer Ernest H. �:_iller in havin� these signs �ut up at the earliest <br /> possible moment. <br /> Pr��secuting Attorney Geor�e S. Bea-�er ivas called to the meetin� <br /> to discuss ti��ith the Bo�rd, the l;iayor and the Chief of Police the <br /> c�uestion of gas�bling prevailing in the CitSr. �� thorough discussion of <br /> the m�tter vvz.s had and the follozl�ing statement t1�us issued for publi- <br /> cation: <br /> "A coni erence was nad betv,�een the Board of Public Sa�'ety, the <br /> Chief of Police, the Prosecu�ing kttorney of St. Josenh County and <br /> tae i:Zayor at the City Hall in the office of the Board� of ?�ublic Sa°ety. <br /> ^1ne Prosecutor ar.d Board recog�ize tnat certain trade stimulators <br /> existin� in the City of South Bend might be classified as �etty <br /> ��r,lblin�; devices, but tve are �rinci?�ally interested in �t tnis time <br /> the suppression of devices and other instrumenta.lit?es in v�hich there <br /> is a money transaction and positive stens ��ri11 be taken to sunnress <br /> any such activities i� the City. " � � <br /> kpnlication for position on the Police Denartment v�as received <br /> from John N, l�rorgan and ordered placed on file. <br /> b'�EIGHTS & PYTEtiStTkES DEP�Titii�,I�T - i�l�r. Eurns present: <br /> Tvir. Burns subrnitted 'nis renort oi the activities of his departr:ient <br /> for the week endinn �,�Iay 29th, sno��,ing 39B inspections made, which renort <br /> is on file in the o�'fice of the Board of Public Safety. <br /> The mee-tin� ad jolzrned at 10=45 A. 2�i. � <br /> � �v <br /> xT`I':�ST• / � <br /> Gl erk Ch ai rrnan <br />