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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> overtime number and then finally, hire some new staff to offset those contractual obligations and <br /> minimize the use of overtime. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, Part of this was looking at page two (2) (referencing the budget <br /> document) and looking at the increases between the County, South Bend and Mishawaka. What <br /> we would be looking at, within our budget, does this come out of the Police budget? <br /> Steve Dalton,Financial Advisor for PSAP with offices located at 58266 Downey Avenue,replied, <br /> You are paying it out of one (1) of your income tax budgets, either EDIT or COIT. It was a lump <br /> sum. It was $2.5 million this ye and is projected to be $3 million next year. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, Steve, you had some creative ways of other ways to pay for PSAP. <br /> Could you go over those? <br /> Mr. Dalton replied, Four (4) years ago, this Interlocal Agreement was signed and it spelled out a <br /> rather complex formula for determining who pays what. That$3 million comes from that formula. <br /> Nobody likes it, everyone thinks it is unfair but everyone is equally unhappy with it. Moreover, <br /> they may also be equally as unhappy with all the other options that are available. I've presented <br /> various options to the controllers and nobody likes any of them. I proposed at one(1)meeting that, <br /> perhaps, PSAP needs to be self-funded and maybe it needs to have its own funding source. My <br /> proposal is that we reorganize next year, not this year, the current income tax rate of one point <br /> seven percent (1.7%) has slivers for other funds and accounts, I proposed that we create, within <br /> that same stack, a PSAP dedicated income tax that would go to the PSAP and they would have to <br /> live within that. We can talk about that more next year because any restructuring of the Interlocal <br /> is going to be monumental. I guess the other option is that we keep going at the rate we are going <br /> with nobody liking the model. <br /> Committeemember Voorde asked, Is anyone else doing that around the State? <br /> Mr. Dalton replied, The State statute actually allows and, in some cases encourages, setting up a <br /> separate income tax with PSAP. I'm suggesting it would be more difficult to get votes to increase <br /> the income tax than to reorganize the existing stack of income taxes. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, I know the County is not happy with the current agreement and how <br /> that is divvied up. The main thing I am concerned about is the performance and service. I think it <br /> is getting better but there is a long way to go. Last time you were here you talked a little bit about <br /> the training and the cross training of personnel that you have. We just graduated six (6) folks. <br /> Those six (6) took about six (6) months and five (5) of those six (6) are now completely cross <br /> trained throughout the board. About eighty-seven percent (87%) of the folks we have are cross- <br /> trained to fill every seat in the room. We put in a lot of time,energy and money into cross-training <br /> and it is paying its dividends now. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, And my plan with the IT meeting is to talk about our role on the IT <br /> side with the CAD System and GIS, and those issues. <br /> Councilmember Broden then stated, So we have this huge personnel challenge but at the same <br /> time I see the problems with the CAD systems. Can someone square that for me? <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TfD574.235.5567 i <br /> 21 <br />