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�� . � <br /> � <br /> . ��� <br /> � <br /> MEETTTdG January 11, 1937 � <br /> � <br /> Regular meeting o�' the Board of Public Safety was held �onday, <br /> January 11, 1937, at 9:00 A. M. Mr. Anderson tvas absent. <br /> T,�inutes of the �revious meetin� were read and approved. <br /> Requisitions in the Fire Department numbers 03601 to 03610, <br /> inclusive, and in the Police Department numbers 353 to 365 cvere <br /> approved. Claims in the amount of �170.80, from �he follov�Jing <br /> suppliers, vs�ere approved and ordered paid, also payrolls in the <br /> various departments amounting to ;;>19 ,026. 66. <br /> Journal o.f Crimin�l LaVT � Criminolo�,y �3.50 <br /> Hibberd Printing Compa�.y 30.00 <br /> Hibberd Printing Cor�pa�y 8. '15 <br /> J. T. t���ilso�, �,2. D. 75.00 <br /> Gottlob Fritz 5.50 <br /> U. S. Fingerprint Products Co. 1.50 <br /> G. 0. Thurn .55 <br /> G. 0. Thurn for B. J. P�JIcCaffery,P.i�.2. 46.00 <br /> FIRE DEPARTI�IE'1JT - Chief Freeh present: <br /> The Chief discussed ivith the Board activities o�' the departrnent <br /> and requested the privilege of buying four � �allon PYiister Vapor- <br /> izing Fire Extinguishers, which are particularly adap-ted to fighting <br /> electric fires. The anproximate cost of these extinguishers to be <br /> N100.00. <br /> The Chief requested tne privilege of purchasing nev�1 springs for <br /> tl�ree of the beds at tne Central Station to be taken out of the <br /> regular supply account , which the Bo�rd concurred in. <br /> Upon recommendation of the Chief, John Borkovvski ��tiras reduced in <br /> rank fronl Ca�tain to Lieutenant and VJladysl���a Jurek adv�nced from <br /> Lieutenant to Captain, subject to assignment by the Fire Chief. This <br /> change to become effective January 16th. <br /> The Board ap�roved payment to members of tne Fire DePartment of <br /> r�ise in salary fror� July l, 1936 to December 31, 1936, in accordance <br /> with Ordinance ��3164. <br /> The Board also �ave instructions to have b�ck salary paid to <br /> members of the Fire Department, covering services in 1933, 1934 and <br /> 1935, in accordance �vith Ordin�nce �r3164. Payment of thzs to be made <br /> a_t once. This only to f'ormer employees not no`v on Payroll. <br /> POLICE & ELECTRICI��L DEPl�TivTENTS - Chie�' I,ane and 1,2r. �ualls nresent: <br /> The matter of radio operation �vas discussed and it was decided <br /> oi1 the neti^� police cars that the old r�dios be installed, and it was <br /> also decided to �urchase at once 2 Indiasi; :�'our cylinder,PJlotorcycles <br /> from Frank Andrevvs and these to be equipped �vith radio. Purchase to <br /> be made outright v�ithout any trade in o�' old motorcycles at this time. <br /> The Board requested the Chief to have 0�'ficer Fr�nk Ferger report <br /> to the Bo�rd next T47onday morning to �ive an account of the e�-perience <br /> in the Desk Sergeant' s room on Saturday morning, January 9i,h. <br /> The Board approved payment to �.embers of the Police Force and <br /> the Electrical Department of raise in sal�ry f'ror� July l, 1936 to <br /> Decer�ber 31, 1936, in accordance ti�vith Ordinan.ce T 3164. Payment of <br /> this to be m�de at once. <br /> The Board also gave instructions to have back salary paid to <br /> mernbers of the Police Force and the Electrical Departrnent, covering <br /> services in 1933, 1934 and 1935, in accordance t^rith Ordinance �3164. <br /> Thi� only to former emnloyees r_ot noti^a on payroll. <br /> Captain Harold �1Thitmer submitted a report of the Police Pension <br /> Fund for the fiscal year ending Decernber 31, 19�6 , which report is <br /> on �'ile in the office of the Board of Public Safety. <br />