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2Q � <br /> � <br /> Ip`+s^V <br /> i:�LTIi�G i.�ay 25, 19�6 ''� <br /> �� <br /> Re;ular raeetin�; of tile �oard of Fublic aa�'et�T i•r�s held i;�onday, •� <br /> Ir:ay 25 , 1936 , at 9 x. ��i. xll mez2bers t•rere present. <br /> I.�iinutes of the previous rleetiri� ti��re read ana a��rovea. <br /> Reouisitions in tlle Police Departi;lent nu:nbers 0910c3 to U9116, <br /> inclusive , ar.d in tiie I'ire liepartr�lent nu��ib�rs 03390 and 03391 Zrere <br /> anproved. Claims in tne a.nount o�' �235.29 , zrorl tile f'ollorrinb <br /> suppliers , Z-1ere approved arld orciered paid, also tiayroll oi' the various <br /> deparzments amountin� to N16, 97�. 39. <br /> Indiana 3ell Telephone Co. �6.55 R. L. rolk �: Co. �,�15.00 <br /> Harry �. �ilillette 14. '70 David G. ?lutson 3. 75 <br /> Epy�orth hospital 80.85 Von Len�erke �, nntoine 3.11 <br /> South �end X-ruy Laboratory 15.00 Peltz-r�aufer Co. , Iric . 20.�� <br /> Business Syste�ns Inc . 1.�5 :�. L. l:iills �'rucl:in� Co. .75 <br /> Business ayst�r�zs Inc . 4�. 95 i�eneral Siieet ��ietal �rorks �.90 <br /> Ber��an' s �port Goods �tore 20. 00 General Llectric Co. 7.05 <br /> �'IRL DEP�iRTi:��TvT - Chief Freeil presezzt: <br /> Tize Chief , in a co�l�zaunication to the 3oard, reported that fireTrien <br /> �oland i.�iller Gna Guy Gilli�an, r�hose probationar5r period expires on <br /> June lst , had served tiiis perioci entirely satisfactorily accoxdin�, to <br /> their co�:i:�landin� oificer' s report. It re�ularly Inoved, seconded. <br /> and carried that these iirernerl be ulacea on the per�nanent payroll at <br /> tne re;ular salary froi�i June l, 19�6. <br /> �L�:C'IRIChL D�P '�tTi�.ILi�;T - :�ua11s presert: <br /> i,iatters pertainin� to the operation o� the Elec�rical 1lepart�ent <br /> ti��ere cliscussed tiaith i::r. ��;ualls , and he submitted a report o�' the iire <br /> alarrns handled durin� the z�ontil of h?�ril and a st����;:ury oz co��iparisons <br /> ti-rith the same raonth for tile past ten years , �:�hicll is on file in the <br /> office of' the Board of rublic Safety. <br /> POLICE D�PnRii,�i1T - Chief Lane pr°sent: <br /> The Chief sub��litl;ed a re�ort oi operations up to the �.resent <br /> til:�e of tile �iccident InvestiJation Bureau and also a co�nprehensive <br /> pro��ra:n to U2 follotived in the future . h copy oi' �nis report ��;�.s <br /> orderea tr�nscribed f'or eacll of tize mer�2bers oz' the �0�:��10T1 C;OUIICI�. a11C1 <br /> the �oard of Fublic �af':ty, Chief' of Police arld Presid�nt of tile <br /> Safety Council. <br /> Ti1e �oard G�nroved special police co:�i�:�ission in favor oi Gol�tilob <br /> Y'�einjnun, �;��hile employed at the ::�uessel Breti;in� Co�._�a�y. Re�ul:�r pond. <br /> in tl�e amount of ��1,GOO.UO iurnished to substantiate this corL_Zission. <br /> �ontinuatiion cer�tir icute coverin� bond of' �inton Tscilida , s_�eciGl <br /> police ofi icer , ����s a�?�roved and attiached to ori�inal bond. <br /> aurety bonds in iavor oz re�;ular policemen i;iic�iael �;��pka anu <br /> '�rillialL Grt��iari , in �l:iie �:aount oi' ��1,000 .00 e�cil in the Unitea a�ates <br /> I'idelity cc Guaranty Cor�,��uny, ;rere ap-��rovea and oruered ��luced on �:i1e . <br /> v�Tt;=:lUT11Cu�lOI1 V?�S Z'8C"v'1Ve(:1. �I'Ol?1 �'�"�� ��iaT'Ct �uiilil� :;o::i�any� r'EGU`�St- <br /> in�; tiiuz s�ecial ��olice oiiicer' s co_:�:.lissions b° i�sueu in f�vor oi <br /> tiie follo�•,in� ti�rl:ile e_�ploy2ci i�y �he '+rard �avin� �o_:i���:ny. Y1 ,000.00 <br /> bond Z`i�S S'i1Ti11Sr18C�. 171 Bc:C't1 CdS° c:I1(1 i,ile 30&zQ Gtii,'tiO3'1L8CL �li� 1SSU3I1G2 <br /> Of' CO�i?'i�11.SSlOT1S UIl(1GY' ti�=E.' Z'�COi<i=ii2T1Cl�:�1021 O1 �T,iiE.' �i111P.I OI' 1'OZ1C:e: <br /> E:�nett Churchill , Llo;�d �tarner , I�enry Gusll�°ra , Ld�;;ar� ��.oust , :+illiall <br /> Francis Rocl�ie and iiarold 31and. <br /> ihe Ciiiei of Police sub_�:;itted : r°port oi tii� operations oi the <br /> rolic:e De�artr,ient t or tize z�ionth of 1i,�ril , sho;�rin� �rres�s 1or various <br /> oirenses �nd value o� proy�erty involved and C�1Sj�OS1t10T1 0-�' ca�:;��s. <br /> lhis re��ort is on f'i1e ir� zhc- Boaru of Pub�ic �afe�y. <br /> The ?rieetin� adj ouri7ed at 10: 00 ��. ��. <br /> r <br /> Cllair�:an <br /> 1 L�l'1 LS T: y�/lL.;��� 'v 1 E.'I''li <br />