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16 � <br /> �� <br /> i�i ETIPIG npz'�.1 27 , 1936 � <br /> ��� <br /> � <br /> Regular rieetin� of the Board of Public Safety ti�as held on <br /> i;ionday, nnril 27 , 1936, at 9:30 A. Tsi. i,ir. sdoodi��ard absent. <br /> i�,:inutes of' previous iiieeting t�ere read and approvecz. - <br /> Reauisitions in the Police llepart��ent nurabers 0�.�65 to U970 <br /> anc� in tne Fire Department nw:�ibers 0�36� to 03368 ti��ere approved. <br /> Claims in t'r�e amount of �399.34, frorn the fo11ov1ing suppliers, ti��ere <br /> apnroved and ordered paid, also payrolls of the various departments <br /> amounting to �16,979.39 . <br /> L. i�,�:. Schimel �7.18 x�nerican ZaFrance �. Foamite �15Z.80 <br /> South Bend At�ning Co. 4.50 Dan R. Zontz Coal Co. 5. 50 <br /> Business Systems Inc. 11.50 '�Jood,�nere Scrap Iron �: iY�etal Co. 7.00 <br /> T�ieCaffery Company 9.36 The GamevYell Company 112.50 <br /> x. N. He�in�er 90.00 <br /> E+'IR� DEPARTP��TdT - Chie� Freeh present: <br /> The Fire Chief requested �;he privilege of purchasing t�ro 50 ft. <br /> len�tlis oi garaen hose for tti-�o of the fire houses and a vise for i1o. 11 <br /> nose house , ti�hich vras authorized. <br /> The Chie� rer�orted that on xpril 25th at 10: 45 i'. l�,I. vrhile <br /> t��orking on a fire at 1602 ti+'estern �venue a �otorist by the name of <br /> Edzaard Rafalski ran over ttTro live hose lines and into the rear of <br /> truck i`TO. 2 parked in the street operatin� at the fire ard th�t the <br /> dai�ia�e c.rill probably alnount to nearly �500.00. The �oard, af ter <br /> considerin� this matter, decicled to have Officer Barcza , ��iio :Fras on <br /> duty at tlle time , be present at its next r2eetin� to give his version <br /> of the accident. <br /> �LLCTRIC��L DEPI��TT�: �� 1T - I,s. ��ualls present: <br /> I:`atters pert�ining to the operation of the �lectrical Depurt:.lent <br /> vrere discussed. <br /> PQLICE DE�bRTitlr�IdT - Chief Lane present: <br /> The Chiei brou�lit in a rrritten renort i'ro.n Officer 3arcza <br /> re�ardino t;�:e acciclei�t at �yestern kvenue and I�osciuszlco Street in <br /> v�hich he explained tYiat he i:ias unable to sto?� tne auto�iobile driver <br /> be�'ore he r�n into the fire truck. <br /> The Chief brouUht in a report fro� Officer 1,icCarroll regarding <br /> the situation at General Llectric Cornpany l�arehouse , 110 Last �tir'estern <br /> ��venue , together r�ith a sltietch on par��ing restrictions. �f'ter <br /> carefully considerin� this matter , the Board felt that no action <br /> oould be tuken Gt ttiis tir�e beyond that already being carried out in <br /> this locGtion. <br /> Official bond for snecial police officer Tru�an E. Nichols , <br /> v�7�ile an e.nployee of the 1VliYV Jersey, Inaiana & Illinoi� R. R. Co.npany, <br /> �°�as appzoved and f'iled z�rith his cor:lr�.ission. <br /> Con�uunication sras receivea from Trafiic Boy, Inc. , Can�ton, Uhio , <br /> in resy�onse to a letter f'ro::i the �ecretary re�ardin� t�Aro Traff'ic Boys <br /> shipped to the Police Denar�i:lent last liecember. The Boara decided <br /> that these �:iould not be macie use of and issuea instructions to the <br /> iolice Chiei to have the� returned to the �anuracturer. <br /> � com�r�unication ��as receivea f'ro�a the heatin� and .r�ltzinbing <br /> Finance Corl�orution �7 ';+est �9tli Street , I�ei�r York, in rei'erence to <br /> a clairn they have a�Ginst Of�'icer Vernon Lllis. As this rnat�er had <br /> previously been brou�nt to the attention of the 3oarc�, no iurther <br /> action Z���s taken. <br /> ihe ��Zeeting adjourned at 10: 30 �. 1:i. <br /> . �� <br /> �hair�an <br /> x'I'�.'LST• `�Clerk <br />